Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 37 Number 5 1986
MF9860567Distribution of cadmium, lead and zinc amongst the marine sediments, seagrasses and fauna, and the selection of sentinel accumulators, near a lead smelter in South Australia
TJ Ward, RL Correll and RB Anderson
pp. 567-585
MF9860595Descriptions of the nisto stage of Scyllarus demani Holthuis, two unidentified Scyllarus species, and the juvenile of Scyllarus martensii Pfeffer (Crustacea : Decapoda : Scyllaridae), reared in the laboratory; and behavioural observations of the nistos of S. demani, S. martensii and Thenus orientalis (Lund)
BM Barnett, RF Hartwick and NE Milward
pp. 595-608
MF9860621Feeding ecology of Macruronus novaezelandiae (Hector) (Teleostei : Merlucciidae) in south-eastern Australia
CM Bulman and SJM Blaber
pp. 621-639
MF9860659Annual production of Typha orientalis Presl. in inland Australia
J Roberts and GG Ganf
pp. 659-668