Rayleigh distillation equations applied to isotopic evolution of organic nitrogen across a continental shelf
Robert Van Hale A B and Russell D. Frew AA Department of Chemistry, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.
B Corresponding author. Email: robertv@chemistry.otago.ac.nz
Marine and Freshwater Research 61(3) 369-378 https://doi.org/10.1071/MF09041
Submitted: 27 February 2009 Accepted: 1 October 2009 Published: 29 March 2010
The isotope enrichment of nitrate due to uptake by phytoplankton has previously been measured in a variety of ways, both in the field over time or space, and in vitro. This study provided an unusual opportunity to measure the isotopic fractionation of nitrate over an extended spatial scale. Results are presented from the Otago Continental shelf, New Zealand. δ15N-PON and [NO3–] was correlated using Rayleigh distillation equations to obtain isotope enrichment factors for the uptake of nitrate. The decrease in nitrate concentration during advection landward across the shelf was consistent with removal by phytoplankton, with an average enrichment factor (ϵ) of 8.2 per mil, as calculated using the Rayleigh accumulated product equation. The spatial evolution of δ15N-PON and [NO3–] across the Otago continental shelf led to the conclusion that cross-shelf advection is the predominant process bringing nutrients to the shelf. No Rayleigh distillation-type process is observable from monthly observations. However, in subantarctic surface water (SASW), a seasonal variation in δ15N-PON was seen that was in the opposite phase to that expected for isotopic enrichment of the nutrient pool. In SASW, δ15N-PON peaked at 4‰ in winter months and fell to –2‰ in the spring and summer.
Additional keywords: field measurements, nitrogen isotopes, particulate organic nitrogen, subantarctic zone (SA), subtropical water (STW).
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