Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 61 Number 3 2010
MF08246The effect of water level on lateral movements of fish between river and off-channel habitats and implications for management
Jarod Lyon, Ivor Stuart, David Ramsey and Justin O'Mahony
pp. 271-278
MF08246 Abstract | MF08246 Full Text | MF08246PDF (258 KB) Open Access Article
MF09031Abundance and size of western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) as a function of benthic habitat: implications for ecosystem-based fisheries management
Lynda M. Bellchambers, Scott N. Evans and Jessica J. Meeuwig
pp. 279-287
MF08296Effects of an anti-salt intrusion dam on tropical fish assemblages
Tuantong Jutagate, Amonsak Sawusdee, Thanitha Thapanand-Chaidee, Sovan Lek, Gaël Grenouillet, Sutheera Thongkhoa and Piyapong Chotipuntu
pp. 288-301
MF09014Stable isotopes reveal post-release trophodynamic and ontogenetic changes in a released finfish, mulloway (Argyrosomus japonicus)
Matthew D. Taylor and Debashish Mazumder
pp. 302-308
MF09102Coastal upwelling may overwhelm the effect of sewage discharges in rocky intertidal communities of the Peruvian coast
Fausto N. Firstater, Fernando J. Hidalgo, Betina J. Lomovasky, Juan Tarazona, Georgina Flores and Oscar O. Iribarne
pp. 309-319
MF09038The use of coded wire tags to estimate cormorant predation on fish stocks in an estuary
Niels Jepsen, Reinhard Klenke, Per Sonnesen and Thomas Bregnballe
pp. 320-329
MF09054Interacting effects of copper, nitrogen and ultraviolet radiation on the physiology of three south Pacific kelps
Pirjo Huovinen, Pablo Leal and Iván Gómez
pp. 330-341
MF09060Australian subtropical white syndrome: a transmissible, temperature-dependent coral disease
S. J. Dalton, S. Godwin, S. D. A. Smith and L. Pereg
pp. 342-350
MF09144Is cotton-strip tensile strength a surrogate for microbial activity in groundwater?
M. J. Lategan, K. Korbel and G. C. Hose
pp. 351-356
MF09107Dynamic stability in dry season food webs within tropical floodplain rivers
Catherine Leigh, Michele A. Burford, Fran Sheldon and Stuart E. Bunn
pp. 357-368
MF09041Rayleigh distillation equations applied to isotopic evolution of organic nitrogen across a continental shelf
Robert Van Hale and Russell D. Frew
pp. 369-378
MF09209Using biological information to support proactive strategies for managing freshwater fish during drought
David A. Crook, Paul Reich, Nick R. Bond, Damien McMaster, John D. Koehn and P. Sam Lake
pp. 379-387