Impact of tadpoles and mosquito larvae on ephemeral pond structure and processes
Allie MokanyA School of Botany and Zoology, Australian National University, Daly Road, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia.
B CSIRO Entomology, Clunies-Ross Street, Black Mountain, ACT 2601, Australia.
C Corresponding author. Email:
Marine and Freshwater Research 58(5) 436-444
Submitted: 31 October 2006 Accepted: 21 February 2007 Published: 17 May 2007
Competition between organisms can influence both the abundance of species and the function of ecosystems. Here, I report the results of a field-based aquatic microcosm experiment, where the timing of arrival and abundance of two herbivores, tadpoles (Limnodynastes tasmaniensis) and mosquito larvae (Ochlerotatus notoscriptus), were manipulated to determine their impact on invertebrate community structure and ecosystem processes. Although successful establishment decreased with experimental time, there was no evidence that interactions between tadpoles and mosquitoes decreased the other species' subsequent survival. However, there were negative effects of tadpole addition on other invertebrates, with decreases in the abundance of zooplankton (Moina australiensis) and dipterans (Ephydridae and Chironomus oppositus). The addition of both tadpoles and mosquito larvae also increased ecosystem productivity. The negative effect of tadpoles on invertebrate abundance may result from competition for food or space, while complementary tadpole and mosquito effects on ecosystem processes are likely to result from changes in the dominant pond state. Tadpoles and mosquito larvae might influence the development of the dominant pond state through preferential consumption of edible phytoplankton and bacteria, reducing the competitive pressure on relatively inedible metaphyton, which forms dominating mats.
Additional keywords: competition, ecosystem function, Limnodynastes, macroinvertebrates, Ochlerotatus, rainfall.
I would like to thank K. Mokany, S. Cunningham, D. Gordon, L. Blaustein and M. Jennions for critical comments on the draft manuscript. J. Wood provided assistance with the statistical analysis and J. Devereaux provided valuable field assistance. CSIRO entomology, ANU, Australian Geographic, AFUW, Linnaean society of NSW, ESA and Project AWARE provided financial assistance for this study.
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