Advances in defining the life histories of myopsid squid
George D. JacksonInstitute of Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 77, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia. Email:
Marine and Freshwater Research 55(4) 357-365
Submitted: 26 September 2003 Accepted: 19 March 2004 Published: 22 June 2004
Recent years have seen the emergence of extensive studies of myopsid squid growth of the family Loliginidae. This has greatly advanced our understanding of their life histories. Growth data have accumulated from both statolith-based field studies and culture work. Validation studies on loliginids continue to support that statolith increments are laid down daily. Ageing work has also revealed that short lifespans are typical, with nine of the 21 species studied having lifespans <200 days, eight species with lifespans between 200 days and about 1 year and only three species with lifespans >1 year. While growth is continuous and non-asymptotic, the marked plasticity in size-at-age has hindered the development of a general model to describe squid growth. Many loliginids are multiple spawners that continue to feed while growing and reproducing, although there has been some documented loss of conditon in mature individuals. An exception is Loligo opalescens, which has a terminal spawning strategy with a marked loss of condition and post-spawning mortality. Quantification of the cost of living and the energetics of loliginids are likely to be best achieved by combining field and culture studies on a species such as the Indo-Pacific squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana.
Extra keywords: growth rates, Loliginidae, statolith age, validation.
I would like to thank the many participants of the 2003 Cephalopod International Advisory Council growth workshop who provided an interesting forum to discuss cephalopod growth. Thanks to two anonymous reviewers for comments on an earlier draft of this manuscript, and to C. Jackson for preparing tables and assisting with earlier drafts.
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