Microbiology Australia
Volume 40 Number 4 2019
Breaking Research
MA19047The changing epidemiology and challenges of paediatric Clostridium difficile infections
Sicilia Perumalsamy and Thomas V Riley
pp. 157-160
MA19048Cytotoxic factor influencing acquired antimicrobial resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Dinesh Subedi, Ajay Kumar Vijay, Scott A Rice and Mark Willcox
pp. 161-164
MA19050Enlisting plants in the battle for new antibacterial compounds
Dane Lyddiard and Ben W Greatrex
pp. 169-172
MA19051Corynebacterium and Dolosigranulum: future probiotic candidates for upper respiratory tract infections
Rachael Lappan and Christopher S Peacock
pp. 172-177
MA19052Pathogen adaptation to vaccination: the Australian Bordetella pertussis story
Laurence Don Wai Luu
pp. 177-180
MA19053Profiling bacterial communities in low biomass samples: pitfalls and considerations
Lisa F Stinson, Jeffrey A Keelan and Matthew S Payne
pp. 181-185
MA19054Detecting co-cultivation induced chemical diversity via 2D NMR fingerprints
Larissa Buedenbender, Anthony R Carroll and D İpek Kurtböke
pp. 186-189
MA19055Small but mighty: microorganisms offer inspiration for mine remediation and waste stabilisation
Alan Levett, Emma J Gagen and Gordon Southam
pp. 190-194
MA19058Certification scheme for the medical laboratory science profession to become a reality by 1 July 2020
2020 Australasian Association of Clinical Biochemists (AACB) and The Australian Institute of Medical Scientists (AIMS)
pp. 200-200