Microbiology Australia
Volume 36 Number 3 2015
Anaerobic Bacteria
MA15036The complex factors that contribute to Clostridium difficile infection
Kate E Mackin and Dena Lyras
pp. 104-106
MA15037Clostridium difficile infection: an Australian clinical perspective
Grant A Jenkin
pp. 106-108
MA15040Community-acquired Clostridium difficile infection and Australian food animals
Michele M Squire, Daniel R Knight and Thomas V Riley
pp. 111-113
MA15039Clostridium perfringens extracellular toxins and enzymes: 20 and counting
Sarah A Revitt-Mills, Julian I Rood and Vicki Adams
pp. 114-117
MA15044Anaerobic microorganisms and bioremediation of organohalide pollution
Matthew Lee, Chris Marquis, Bat-Erdene Judger and Mike Manefield
pp. 125-128
MA15045Coupling anaerobic bacteria and microbial fuel cells as whole-cell environmental biosensors
Lara T Bereza-Malcolm and Ashley E Franks
pp. 129-132
MA15053Out of Africa: response to Ebola in the developed world; lessons for the future
Lyn Gilbert and Peter Collignon
pp. 144-147