Microbiology Australia
Volume 36 Number 2 2015
Medical and Veterinary Mycology
MA15017DNA barcoding of human and animal pathogenic fungi: the ISHAM-ITS database
Laszlo Irinyi and Wieland Meyer
pp. 44-48
MA15018Phosphate theft: a path to fungal pathogenic success
Julianne T Djordjevic and Sophie Lev
pp. 49-52
MA15019Candida and macrophages: a deadly affair
Timothy Tucey, Thomas Naderer and Ana Traven
pp. 53-56
MA15020Clinical and Translational Mycology on the southern shores: perspective from the Australia and New Zealand Mycoses Interest Group
Monica A Slavin and Sharon C-A Chen
pp. 57-59
MA15021The Westmead Medical Mycology Collection: basis for research and diagnosis of fungal diseases
Wieland Meyer, Krystyna Maszewska, Aziza Khan and Kennio Ferreira-Paim
pp. 60-63
MA15022The role of clinical mycology reference laboratories
Sarah Kidd, Catriona Halliday and David Ellis
pp. 64-66
MA15023Australia in the global picture of the molecular epidemiology of Cryptococcus gattii molecular type VGII
Carolina Firacative, Kennio Ferreira-Paim, Luciana Trilles, David M Engelthaler and Wieland Meyer
pp. 67-70
MA15025Microsphaeropsis arundinis: an emerging cause of phaeohyphomycosis in cats and people
George Reppas, Thomas Gottlieb, Mark Krockenberger, Catriona Halliday and Richard Malik
pp. 74-78
MA15026Pneumocystis canis pneumonia in dogs
Elizabeth Ralph, George Reppas, Catriona Halliday, Mark Krockenberger and Richard Malik
pp. 79-82
MA15027Mucormycosis in the platypus and amphibians caused by Mucor amphibiorum
Joanne H Connolly
pp. 83-87
MA15028Rethinking the targets for antifungal development
Jessica L Chitty and James A Fraser
pp. 88-89
MA15029Sporotrichosis: an Australian perspective of a global infection
Ian Arthur, Michael Leung and Elin Westergaard
pp. 90-92
MA15030You are what you secrete: extracellular proteins and virulence in Cryptococcus
Leona T Campbell, Matthew P Padula, Elizabeth Harry and Dee A Carter
pp. 93-95
MA15031Morphogenesis and pathogenesis: control of cell identity in a dimorphic pathogen
Hayley E Bugeja and Alex Andrianopoulos
pp. 95-97
MA15032Use of Caenorhabditis elegans as a non-mammalian model system to study Candida virulence
Farkad Bantun, Sanjiveeni Dhamgaye and Anton Y Peleg
pp. 98-100