Microbiology Australia
Volume 34 Number 2 2013
Food Safety
MA13025Antimicrobial resistance in food associated Salmonella
Boey Y Cheng, Amy HT Teh, Patric TC Chua and Gary A Dykes
pp. 73-74
MA13026Listeria monocytogenes: illuminating adaptation with proteomics
John P Bowman, Rolf E Nilsson, Chawalit Kocharunchitt and Tom Ross
pp. 75-77
MA13030Bovine spongiform encephalopathy and food safety
Rosalind Dalefield and Scott Crerar
pp. 86-89
MA13031Listeria surveillance in Australia from the laboratory perspective
Geoff Hogg, Agnes Tan and Joy Gregory
pp. 90-92
MA13036Microbiological testing of foods: what, why, how
Agnes Tan and Numani Weerasuriya
pp. 105-107