Microbiology Australia
Volume 28 Number 2 2007
Yeast Products and Discovery
MA07051Functional genomics in yeast
Ian W Dawes, Geoffrey D Kornfeld and Gabriel G Perrone
pp. 51-54
MA07055Not all wine yeast are equal
Eveline Bartowsky, Jenny Bellon, Anthony Borneman, Paul Chambers, Antonio Cordente, Peter Costello, Chris Curtin, Angus Forgan, Paul Henschke, Dariusz Kutyna, Jane McCarthy, Oenone Macintyre, Simon Schmidt, Tina Tran, Hentie Swiegers and Maurizio Ugliano
pp. 55-58
MA07059Host factors in virus budding ? Insights from yeast
Parimala R Vajjhala and Alan L Munn
pp. 59-61
MA07062Optimisation of industrial strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae using recombinant and non-recombinant methods
A Maria Astorga, Jennie M Gardner, Colin McBryde, Frank Schmid, Michelle E Walker and Vladimir Jiranek
pp. 62-63
MA07067Organelle turnover by autophagy
Kristina N Turcic, Dalibor Mijaljica, Carlos Rosado, Mark Prescott and Rodney J Devenish
pp. 67-69
MA07076Molecular characterisation of the wine spoilage yeast ? Dekkera (Brettanomyces) bruxellensis
Paul Henschke, Chris Curtin and Paul Grbin
pp. 76-78