Invertebrate Systematics
Volume 22 Number 3 2008
IS07018Systematics and natural history of the Australian genus Metoligotoma Davis (Embioptera : Australembiidae)
Kelly B. Miller and Janice S. Edgerly
pp. 329-344
IS07028Molecular phylogeny and historical biogeography of the cosmopolitan parasitic wasp subfamily Doryctinae (Hymenoptera:Braconidae)
Alejandro Zaldivar-Riverón, Sergey A. Belokobylskij, Virginia León-Regagnon, Rosa Briceño-G. and Donald L. J. Quicke
pp. 345-363
IS07032Relationships among felt scale insects (Hemiptera : Coccoidea : Eriococcidae) of southern beech, Nothofagus (Nothofagaceae), with the first descriptions of Australian species of the Nothofagus-feeding genus Madarococcus Hoy
Nate B. Hardy, Penny J. Gullan, Rosa C. Henderson and Lyn G. Cook
pp. 365-405