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Historical Records of Australian Science Historical Records of Australian Science Society
The history of science, pure and applied, in Australia, New Zealand and the southwest Pacific

General Information

HRAS is a bi-annual journal that publishes two kinds of unsolicited manuscripts — Historical Articles and Historical Documents — on the history of science in Australia, New Zealand and the southwest Pacific. The journal also publishes Reviews, Memoirs of deceased Fellows of the Australian Academy of Science, Book Reviews, and an Annual Bibliography of the history of science in Australia, New Zealand and the southwest Pacific. The types of manuscripts are described in detailed in the Scope.

Acceptance of manuscripts is the responsibility of the Editors in consultation with the Editorial Board. All Historical Articles, Historical Documents, Reviews and Memoirs are subject to a formal process of peer review and are considered on the understanding that they are the result of original research that has not, and will not, appear elsewhere in substantially the same form.

When preparing a manuscript for publication, authors should follow as closely as possible the journal style and layout. Guidelines are set out in the Author Instructions.

There are no page charges for HRAS.

Publication Format

The journal is available online.


The journal is indexed/abstracted in a variety of databases.


To submit your paper, please use our online journal management system ScholarOne Manuscripts.

For general enquiries about submitted papers please contact:
Historical Records of Australian Science
CSIRO Publishing

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