Robert Gerard (Gerry) Milton Wake (1933–2020)
Ronald J. Hill

Robert Gerard (Gerry) Wake was born at Wangi Wangi, a town on the shore of Lake Macquarie, New South Wales, on 8 August 1933. He died from the complications of Parkinson Disease in Sydney on 26 January 2020. Wake had a long and distinguished academic career in biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of Sydney, spanning 1950—with a two-year postdoctoral period and various study leaves—to 1999. His association began as an undergraduate, progressing to MSc (1956) and PhD (1958) and an appointment as lecturer in 1961, and a professorship in 1977. He is internationally renowned for work on the physical biochemistry of the transformation of the milk protein κ-casein by the enzyme rennin; and what was to become his major career focus, the molecular biology of bacterial DNA replication; having been the first to show that the chromosome in Bacillus subtilis (the hay bacterium) is circular. This was only the second bacterium for this general characteristic of bacterial genomes to be discovered. Furthermore, and against conventional wisdom, he demonstrated that replication of the B. subtilis circular chromosome is bidirectional involving two replication forks moving away from a common origin. Wake was a dedicated educator at the undergraduate level and led by example with excellent postgraduate guidance. He also made major contributions to academic governance at the University of Sydney, and more broadly to science in Australia, through influential roles in the Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the Australian Research Council, and the Australian Academy of Science.
Keywords: bidirectional replication, biology, casein, circular chromosomes, DNA binding proteins, DNA replication, genetics, κ-casein, life sciences, molecular biology, PhD student supervision, research led education.
Andersen, P. A., Griffiths, A. A., Duggin, I. G., and Wake, R. G. (2000) Functional specificity of the replication fork-arrest complexes of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli: significant specificity for Tus-Ter functioning in E. coli, Molecular Microbiology, 36(6), 1327-1335.
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Armstrong, C. E., Mackinlay, A. G., Hill, R. J., and Wake, R. G. (1967) The action of rennin on κ-casein: the heterogeneity and origin of the soluble product, Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta, 140(1), 123-131.
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Bussiere, D. E., Bastia, D., and White, S. W. (1995) Crystal structure of the replication terminator protein from B. subtilis at 2.6 Å, Cell, 80, 651-660.
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Christopherson, R. I., Hill, R. J., Weiss, A. S., and Kuchel, P. W. (2020) In memorium: Robert Gerard (Gerry) Wake FAA 1933–2020, Australian Biochemist, 51, 45-47.
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Dennis, E. S., and Wake, R. G. (1966) Autoradiography of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome, Journal of Molecular Biology, 15(2), 435-439.
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Duggin, I. G. (2006) DNA replication fork arrest by the Bacillus subtilis RTP-DNA complex involves a mechanism that is independent of the affinity of RTP-DNA binding, Journal of Molecular Biology, 361, 1-6.
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Duggin, I. G., Andersen, P. A., Smith, M. T., Wilce, J. A., King, G. F., and Wake, R. G. (1999) Site-directed mutants of RTP of Bacillus subtilis and the mechanism of replication fork arrest, Journal of Molecular Biology, 286(5), 1325-1335.
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Duggin, I. G., Matthews, J. M., Dixon, N. E., Wake, R. G., and Mackay, J. P. (2005) A complex mechanism determines polarity of DNA replication fork arrest by the replication terminator complex of Bacillus subtilis, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280(13), 13105-13113.
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Duggin, I. G., Wake, R. G., Bell, S. D., and Hill, T. M. (2008) The replication fork trap and termination of chromosome replication, Molecular Microbiology, 70(6), 1323-1333.
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Harry, E. J., and Wake, R. G. (1989) Cloning and expression of a Bacillus subtilis division initiation gene for which a homolog has not been identified in another organism, Journal of Bacteriology, 171(12), 6835-6839.
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Harry, E. J., Stewart, B. J., and Wake, R. G. (1993) Characterization of mutations in DivIB of Bacillus subtilis and cellular-localization of the DivIB protein, Molecular Microbiology, 7(4), 611-621.
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Harry, E. J., Rodwell, J., and Wake, R. G. (1999) Co-ordinating DNA replication with cell division in bacteria: a link between the early stages of a round of replication and mid-cell Z ring assembly, Molecular Microbiology, 33(1), 33-40.
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Hill, R. J., and Wake, R. G. (1969) Amphiphile nature of κ-casein as basis for its micelle stabilizing property, Nature, 221, 635-639 221.
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Hill, R. J., Naughton, M. A., and Wake, R. G. (1970) The major genetic variant macropeptides of κ-casein—a comparisonof their amino acid contents and tryptic peptides, Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta, 200, 267-274.
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Iismaa, T. P., and Wake, R. G. (1987) The normal replication terminus of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome, terC is dispensable for vegetative growth and sporulation, Journal of Molecular Biology, 195(2), 299-310.
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Iismaa, T. P., Smith, M. T., and Wake, R. G. (1984) Physical map of the Bacillus subtilis replication terminus region – its confirmation, extension and genetic orientation, Gene, 32(1–2), 171-180.
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Iismaa, T. P., Carrigan, C. M., and Wake, R. G. (1988) Relocation of the replication terminus, terC, of Bacillus subtilis to a new chromosomal site, Gene, 67(2), 183-191.
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Langley, D. B., Smith, M. T., Lewis, P. J., and Wake, R. G. (1993) Protein-nucleoside contacts in the interaction between the replication terminator protein of Bacillus subtilis and the DNA terminator, Molecular Microbiology, 10(4), 771-779.
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Lewis, P. J., and Wake, R. G. (1989) DNA and protein-sequence conservation at the replication terminus in Bacillus subtilis 168 and Bacillus subtilis W23, Journal of Bacteriology, 171(3), 1402-1408.
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Lewis, P. J., and Wake, R. G. (1991) Termination of chromosome-replication in Bacillus subtilis, Research in Microbiology, 142(7–8), 893-900.
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Lewis, P. J., Smith, M. T., and Wake, R. G. (1989) A protein involved in termination of chromosome replication in Bacillus subtilis binds specifically to the terC site, Journal of Bacteriology, 171(6), 3564-3567.
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Lewis, P. J., Ralston, G. B., Christopherson, R. I., and Wake, R. G. (1990) Identification of the replication terminator protein-binding sites in the terminus region of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome and stoichiometry of the binding, Journal of Molecular Biology, 214(1), 73-84.
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Meijer, W. J., Smith, M., Wake, R. G., deBoer, A. L., Venema, G., and Bron, S. (1996) Identification and characterization of a novel type of replication terminator with bidirectional activity on the Bacillus subtilis theta plasmid pLS20, Molecular Microbiology, 19(6), 1295-1306.
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Wilce, J. A., Vivian, J. P., Hastings, A. F., Otting, G., Folmer, R. H., Duggin, I. G., Wake, R. G., and Wilce, M. C. (2001) Structure of the RTP-DNA complex and the mechanism of polar replication fork arrest, Nature Structural Biology, 8(3), 206-210.
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