Functional Plant Biology
Volume 35 Numbers 9 & 10 2008
Functional–Structural Plant Modelling
FPv35n10_FOForeword: Studying plants with functional–structural models
Jim Hanan and Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz
pp. vi-viii
FP08052The rule-based language XL and the modelling environment GroIMP illustrated with simulated tree competition
Reinhard Hemmerling, Ole Kniemeyer, Dirk Lanwert, Winfried Kurth and Gerhard Buck-Sorlin
pp. 739-750
FP08084OpenAlea: a visual programming and component-based software platform for plant modelling
Christophe Pradal, Samuel Dufour-Kowalski, Frédéric Boudon, Christian Fournier and Christophe Godin
pp. 751-760
FP08084 Abstract | FP08084 Full Text | FP08084PDF (979 KB) Open Access Article
FP08039Integrating simulation of architectural development and source–sink behaviour of peach trees by incorporating Markov chains and physiological organ function submodels into L-PEACH
Gerardo Lopez, Romeo R. Favreau, Colin Smith, Evelyne Costes, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and Theodore M. DeJong
pp. 761-771
FP08085Modelling phloem and xylem transport within a complex architecture
André Lacointe and Peter E. H. Minchin
pp. 772-780
FP08064A process-based model to simulate nitrogen distribution in wheat (Triticum aestivum) during grain-filling
Jessica Bertheloot, Bruno Andrieu, Christian Fournier and Pierre Martre
pp. 781-796
FP08088Photosynthesis–stomatal conductance model LEAFC3-N: specification for barley, generalised nitrogen relations, and aspects of model application
Johannes Müller, Henning Braune and Wulf Diepenbrock
pp. 797-810
FP08078Dissecting external effects on logistic-based growth: equations, analytical solutions and applications
Alla N. Seleznyova
pp. 811-822
FP08059Evaluation of a turbid medium model to simulate light interception by walnut trees (hybrid NG38 × RA and Juglans regia) and sorghum canopies (Sorghum bicolor) at three spatial scales
Didier Combes, Michaël Chelle, Hervé Sinoquet and Claude Varlet-Grancher
pp. 823-836
FP08082Quasi-Monte Carlo simulation of the light environment of plants
Mikolaj Cieslak, Christiane Lemieux, Jim Hanan and Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz
pp. 837-849
FP08057Estimation of light interception in research environments: a joint approach using directional light sensors and 3D virtual plants applied to sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and Arabidopsis thaliana in natural and artificial conditions
Karine Chenu, Hervé Rey, Jean Dauzat, Guilioni Lydie and Jérémie Lecœur
pp. 850-866
FP08054Estimating photosynthetically active radiation distribution in maize canopies by a three-dimensional incident radiation model
Xiping Wang, Yan Guo, Xiyong Wang, Yuntao Ma and Baoguo Li
pp. 867-875
FP08034Modelling leaf phototropism in a cucumber canopy
Katrin Kahlen, Dirk Wiechers and Hartmut Stützel
pp. 876-884
FP08061Relative contributions of light interception and radiation use efficiency to the reduction of maize productivity under cold temperatures
Gaëtan Louarn, Karine Chenu, Christian Fournier, Bruno Andrieu and Catherine Giauffret
pp. 885-899
FP08060Comparison of architecture among different cultivars of hybrid rice using a spatial light model based on 3-D digitising
Bangyou Zheng, Lijuan Shi, Yuntao Ma, Qiyun Deng, Baoguo Li and Yan Guo
pp. 900-910
FP08050A study of ryegrass architecture as a self-regulated system, using functional–structural plant modelling
Alban Verdenal, Didier Combes and Abraham J. Escobar-Gutiérrez
pp. 911-924
FP08055Analysis of maize canopy development under water stress and incorporation into the ADEL-Maize model
Youhong Song, Colin Birch and Jim Hanan
pp. 925-935
FP08081MAppleT: simulation of apple tree development using mixed stochastic and biomechanical models
Evelyne Costes, Colin Smith, Michael Renton, Yann Guédon, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and Christophe Godin
pp. 936-950
FP08065Parametric identification of a functional–structural tree growth model and application to beech trees (Fagus sylvatica)
Véronique Letort, Paul-Henry Cournède, Amélie Mathieu, Philippe de Reffye and Thiéry Constant
pp. 951-963
FP08077Toward extension of a single tree functional–structural model of Scots pine to stand level: effect of the canopy of randomly distributed, identical trees on development of tree structure
Risto Sievänen, Jari Perttunen, Eero Nikinmaa and Pekka Kaitaniemi
pp. 964-975
FP08075Forest patch modeling: using high performance computing to simulate aboveground interactions among individual trees
George E. Host, Harlan W. Stech, Kathryn E. Lenz, Kyle Roskoski and Richard Mather
pp. 976-987
FP08056Spray deposition on plant surfaces: a modelling approach
Gary Dorr, Jim Hanan, Steve Adkins, Andrew Hewitt, Chris O'Donnell and Barry Noller
pp. 988-996
FP08066Coupling a 3D virtual wheat (Triticum aestivum) plant model with a Septoria tritici epidemic model (Septo3D): a new approach to investigate plant–pathogen interactions linked to canopy architecture
Corinne Robert, Christian Fournier, Bruno Andrieu and Bertrand Ney
pp. 997-1013
FP08036A stochastic 1D nearest-neighbour automaton models early development of the brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus
Bernard Billoud, Aude Le Bail and Bénédicte Charrier
pp. 1014-1024
FP08076Virtual phyllotaxis and real plant model cases
Beata Zagórska-Marek and Marcin Szpak
pp. 1025-1033
FP08076 Abstract | FP08076 Full Text | FP08076PDF (4 MB) Open Access Article
FP08047 New stereoscopic reconstruction protocol for scanning electron microscope images and its application to in vivo replicas of the shoot apical meristem
Anne-Lise Routier-Kierzkowska and Dorota Kwiatkowska
pp. 1034-1046
FP08062Preliminary use of ground-penetrating radar and electrical resistivity tomography to study tree roots in pine forests and poplar plantations
Terenzio Zenone, Gianfranco Morelli, Maurizio Teobaldelli, Federico Fischanger, Marco Matteucci, Matteo Sordini, Alessio Armani, Chiara Ferrè, Tommaso Chiti and Guenther Seufert
pp. 1047-1058
FP08051A double-digitising method for building 3D virtual trees with non-planar leaves: application to the morphology and light-capture properties of young beech trees (Fagus sylvatica)
Jean-Christophe Chambelland, Mathieu Dassot, Boris Adam, Nicolas Donès, Philippe Balandier, André Marquier, Marc Saudreau, Gabriela Sonohat and Hervé Sinoquet
pp. 1059-1069
FP08045An automated procedure for estimating the leaf area index (LAI) of woodland ecosystems using digital imagery, MATLAB programming and its application to an examination of the relationship between remotely sensed and field measurements of LAI
Sigfredo Fuentes, Anthony R. Palmer, Daniel Taylor, Melanie Zeppel, Rhys Whitley and Derek Eamus
pp. 1070-1079
FP08053Building a topological and geometrical model of poplar tree using portable on-ground scanning LIDAR
Maurizio Teobaldelli, Alcoriza David Puig, Terenzio Zenone, Marco Matteucci, Günther Seufert and Vitor Sequeira
pp. 1080-1090