Coordination between water relations strategy and carbon investment in leaf and stem in six fruit tree species
Ismael Piña

The water relation strategy is a key issue in climate change. Given the difficulty of determining water relations strategy, there is a need for simple traits with a solid theoretical basis to estimate it. Traits associated with resource allocation patterns along a ‘fast-slow’ plant economics spectrum are particularly compelling, reflecting trade-offs between growth rate and carbon allocation. Avocado (Persea americana), fig tree (Ficus carica), mandarin (Citrus reticulata), olive (Olea europaea), pomegranate (Punica granatum), and grapevine (Vitis vinifera) were characterised in terms of iso-anisohydric strategy through stomatal behaviour, water potential at the turgor loss point (TLP), and hydroscape area. Additionally, the association of these metrics with leaf mass per area (LMA) and wood density (WDen) was explored. We observed high coordination between LMA and WDen, and both traits were related to metrics of water relation strategy. More anisohydric species tended to invest more carbon per unit leaf area or unit stem volume, which has implications for hydraulic efficiency and water stress tolerance. WDen and TLP were the most powerful traits in estimating the water relation strategy for six fruit species. These traits are easy to measure, time-cost efficient, and appear central to coordinating multiple traits and behaviours along the water relations strategies.
Keywords: carbon economic spectrum, fruit trees, hydraulics, isohydrism, leaf mass per area, stomatal conductance, water potential, wood density.
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