Augmenting the basis of lodging tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum) under natural and simulated conditions
Rinki Khobra
In wheat (Triticum aestivum), canopy architecture, culm diameter and stem strength are the key providers of lodging tolerance. To better understand the lodging phenomenon and determine the best linked trait to lodging, a study of lodging resistance was conducted in both artificially-induced and natural lodging conditions. Various morphological, phenological and biochemical traits, such as acid detergent fibre, acid detergent lignin, cellulose and activity of lignin-synthesising enzymes (phenylalanine ammonia lyase and tyrosine ammonia lyase) were recorded. Anatomical features were also examined by light microscopy, using the Wiesner reaction. Genotype C306 demonstrated the highest susceptibility to lodging compared to other varieties due to its limited production of lignin-synthesising enzymes, as well as its taller plant height and narrower culms. The dwarf mutants (DM6 and DM7) have a stronger resistance against lodging because they have thick stems and a short plant canopy structure. The most suitable donors for lodging are semidwarf varieties (HD2967, DPW621-50, DBW88) because they have higher production of lignin and lignin-synthesising enzymes. Grey correlation analysis also confirmed the ability of these three genotypes to tolerate lodging. The genotypes studied were comprehensively ranked. The study also includes an effort towards the standardisation of lodging methodology under artificial conditions.
Keywords: acid detergent lignin, cellulose, culm characteristics, grey correlation, lignin synthesising enzymes, lodging tolerance, plant canopy, stem strength, wheat.
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