ASEG Extended Abstracts
Volume 2018 Number 1 2018
1st Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference – Exploration · Innovation · Integration
Sabin Zahirovic, Kara Matthews, Ting Yang, Nicolas Flament, Daniela Garrad, Gilles Brocard, Jeremy Iwanec, Kevin Hill, Michael Gurnis, Rakib Hassan, Maria Seton and Dietmar Müller
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abM1_1EModelling IP effects in airborne time domain electromagnetics
Dave Marchant, Seogi Kang, Mike McMillian and Eldad Haber
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abM1_1FCooperative Inversion: A Review
Brett Harris, Andrew Pethick, Ralf Schaa and Le Van Anh Cuong
pp. 1-3
ASEG2018abM1_1GPalaeomagnetic test of oroclinal rotation in the Dundas Trough, Tasmania
Kathryn Job and Robert Musgrave
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abM1_1HTracking the Diprotodon - microtremor passive seismic profiling as a tool for location of megafauna bone beds
Michael Asten, Sanja van Huet and Divya Nidhi Srivastava
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abM1_2BMapping Northern Australia’s Present Day Stress Field: The Canning Basin
Adam Bailey and Paul Henson
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abM1_2DLithogeochemistry of Pegmatites at Broken Hill: An Exploration Vector to Mineralisation
Glenn Coianiz and Chris Torrey
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abM1_2EA thorough synthetic study on IP effects in AEM data from different systems
Giovanni Manca and Andrea Viezzoli
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abM1_2FImpact of uncertain geology in constrained geophysical inversion
Jeremie Giraud, Evren Pakyuz-Charrier, Vitaliy Ogarko, Mark Jessell, Mark Lindsay and Roland Martin
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abM1_2GMapping metasomatised mantle by integrating magnetotelluric, passive seismic and geochemical datasets – SE Australia
Karol Czarnota, Jingming Duan, David Taylor and Richard Chopping
pp. 1-3
ASEG2018abM1_2HAn integrated analysis of geophysical data for landslide risk assessment
Koya Suto, Milovan Urosevic, Milenko Burazer and Snezana Komatina
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abM1_3AThe use of FWI in coal exploration
Mehdi Asgharzadeh, Maryam Bahri and Milovan Urosevic
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abM1_3BRegional Jurassic sediment depositional architecture, Browse Basin: Implications for petroleum systems
Nadège Rollet, Dianne Edwards, Emmanuelle Grosjean, Tehani Palu, Lisa Hall, Jennifer Totterdell, Chris Boreham and Andrew Murray
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abM1_3CImpact of sequence stratigraphy on static and dynamic reservoir models: examples from the Precipice–Evergreen succession, Surat Basin, Queensland
Andrew D. La Croix, Vahab Honari, Sebastian Gonzalez, Jim Underschultz and Andrew Garnett
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abM1_3DOre and Gangue Minerals of the Hera Au-Pb-Zn-Ag Deposit, Cobar Basin, NSW
Angela Lay, Ian Graham, Lachlan Burrows, Adam McKinnon and Karen Privat
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abM1_3GGeoscience Australia’s contribution to AusArray – Passive seismic imaging of Australia
Gorbatov Alexei, Czarnota Karol and Kemp Tristan
pp. 1-2
ASEG2018abM1_3HThe application of VSP in the Pilbara
Ashley Grant, Tim Dean, Huw Rossiter and Brenton Armitage
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abM1_4COrganic geochemistry and petroleum potential of Permian outcrop and core samples from the southern Sydney Basin
Simon C. George, Shirin Baydjanova. Bronwyn Campbell and Brave Manda
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abM1_4FExploring Inversion Solution Space: A case study over a Cu-Ag deposit in the Kalahari copper belt
Rob Ellis, Cas Lotter and Taronish Pithawala
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abM1_4HApplication of the passive seismic Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) technique for embankment integrity monitoring
Regis Neroni, Kevin Stephens and Daniel Dwumfour
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abM2_1BEvolution of “Tres Hombres” - A Mid-crustal Dome Structure within the Jurassic Northern Beagle Sub-basin Western Australia: An Integrated Geophysical Investigation
Gerry O’Halloran, Chris Paschke, Craig Dempsey, Chris Hurren, Robert Scott and Guimin Liu
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abM2_1CTargeting Core Sampling with Machine Learning: Case Study from the Springbok Sandstone, Surat Basin
Oliver Gaede and Mitchell Levy
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abM2_1E2.5D vs 1D AEM Forward and Inversion Methods at a Survey Scale : A Case Study
Johan Silic, Rod Paterson and Des FitzGerald
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abM2_1GEvolving 3D lithospheric resistivity models across southern Australia derived from AusLAMP MT
Kate Robertson, Stephan Thiel and Graham Heinson
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abM2_1HHow to build your own simple, low-cost, seismic system
Tim Dean, Nghia Nguyen and Anton Kepic
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abM2_2BControls on Mesozoic rift-related uplift and syn-extensional sedimentation in the Exmouth Plateau
Hayley Rohead-O’Brien and Chris Elders
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abM2_2CThe influence of reverse-reactivated normal faults on porosity and permeability in sandstones: a case study at Castle Cove, Otway Basin
Natalie Debenham, Natalie Farrell, Simon Holford, Rosalind King and David Healy
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abM2_2DPathfinder Exploration Techniques Targeting Porphyry and Epithermal Alteration SystemsiIn the Temora Copper-Gold Belt
Bruce Hooper, Damien Stephen and Mathew Peacock
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abM2_2EOtze – Airborne EM Inversion on Unstructured Model Grids
Carsten Scholl and Frederico Miorelli
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abM2_2FUnderstanding Geology and Structure: An Essential Part of Mineral Resource Estimation
Bert De Waele, Mathieu Lacorde, Michael Cunningham and Benjamin Jupp
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abM2_2GImprints of tectonic processes imaged with magnetotellurics and seismic reflection
Tom Wise and Stephan Thiel
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abM2_2HFeasibility study of near-surface dispersion imaging using passive seismic data
Javad Khoshnavaz, Milovan Urosevic, Andrej Bóna, Shahadat Hossain and Ashley Grant
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abM2_3AQuantifying Gas Content in Coals Using Borehole Magnetic Resonance
Spencer Summers, Dennis Huo, Tim Hopper, Tom Neville, Benjamin Birt and Soumyajit Mandal
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abM2_3BShelf-margin architecture and shoreline processes at the shelf-edge: Controls on sediment partitioning and prediction of deep-water deposition style
Victorien Paumard, Julien Bourget, Tobi Payenberg, Bruce Ainsworth, Simon Lang, Henry Posamentier and Annette George
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abM2_3CHigh frequency refraction/ reflection full-waveform inversion case study from North West Shelf offshore Australia
David Dickinson, Fabio Mancini, Xiang Li and Kai Zhao
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abM2_3GIdentifying Lithospheric Boundaries and Their Importance for Mineral Discovery
Stephan Thiel, Stacey Curtis, Anthony Reid and Graham Heinson Kate Robertson
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abM3_1ACooper Basin Deep Coal – the New Unconventional Paradigm: Deepest Producing Coals in Australia
Bronwyn Camac, Jim Benson, Vicki Chan and Alison Goedecke
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abM3_1BThe Permian and Carboniferous extensional history of the Northern Carnarvon Basin and its influence on Mesozoic extension
Sam McHarg, Amy I’Anson and Chris Elders
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abM3_1CPetroleum Plays of the Bowen and Surat basins
Alison Troup, Neal Longdon and Justin Gorton
pp. 1-10
ASEG2018abM3_1DCargo Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit – Where is the High Grade Core?
Vladimir David and David Timms
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abM3_1EValidating the Gedex HD-AGG™ Airborne Gravity Gradiometer
David Hatch, Hong Wong, Maria Annecchione and Shane Hefford
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abM3_1FLaboratory Confirmation of Non-Linear Electrical Effects in Mineralised Rocks
Alan Oertel, Keith Leslie, Robert White and Steve Collins
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abM3_1GGeology, geophysics, geochemistry of a hidden Palaeoproterozoic ocean-continent transition in the northern Gawler Craton
Tom Wise, Mark Pawley, Stephan Thiel and Rian Dutch
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abM3_1HUsing Microgravity to Characterise Water Storage and Usage at Kings Park, Perth, WA
Alan Aitken, Cameron Adams, Steve Easton, Ben Miller and Erik Veneklaas
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abM3_2APredicting Structural Permeability in the Deep Coal Play, Tirrawarra-Gooranie fields, Cooper Basin
Cameron Bowker, Bronwyn Camac and Sam Fraser
pp. 1-9
ASEG2018abM3_2BInterpretation of a Permian conjugate basin margin preserved on the outer Northwest Shelf of Australia
Christopher Paschke, Gerard O’Halloran and Craig Dempsey
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abM3_2DImplicit Modelling of the Las Bambas Deposits, Peru.
Anthony Reed and James Cannell
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abM3_2EAirborne gravimetry takes off in the Western Australia ‘Generation 2’ reconnaissance gravity mapping project
David Howard, John Brett, Richard Lane, Murray Richardson, Stefan Elieff and Malcolm Argyle
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abM3_2FField trials of the Biassed Heterodyne Method of Exploration for Sulphide Minerals
Robert White, Steve Collins, Keith Leslie, Alan Oertel and Andrew Sloot
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abM3_2GThermochronological history of the northern Olympic Domain of the Gawler Craton; correlations between cooling ages and mineralising systems
James Hall, Stijn Glorie, Anthony Reid, Alan Collins, Fred Jourdan and Noreen Evans
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abM3_2HMicrogravity surveys on the Nullarbor
Philip Heath, George Gouthas, Jonathan Irvine, Carmen Krapf and Rian Dutch
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abM3_3ATowards understanding phosphorus distribution in coal: A case study from the Bowen Basin
Brooke Davis, Sandra Rodrigues and Joan Esterle
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abM3_3BNew Insights into a major Early-Middle Triassic Rift Episode in the NW Shelf of Australia
Malcolm MacNeill, Neil Marshall and Chris McNamara
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abM3_3CThe stratigraphic significance of paralic deposits in the Precipice– Evergreen succession, Surat Basin, Queensland
Andrew D. La Croix, Mark Reilly, Jiahao Wang, Jeff Copley, Valeria Bianchi, Joan Esterle and Sebastian Gonzalez
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abM3_3FGetting a better control of IP acquisitions with GDD’s new IP Post-Processing software
C Malo-Lalande, R Desbiens and S Roger
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abM3_3GTectonic framework of the southern Mount Isa Province
Janelle Simpson and Graham Heinson
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abM3_4BModelling reservoir deliverability within the Northern Beagle Sub-basin, Western Australia
Christopher Hurren, Gerard O’Halloran, Kylie Kirk and Christopher Paschke
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abM3_4CNext Generation Reservoir Engineering
Klaus Regenauer-Lieb, Thomas Poulet, Manolis Veveakis, Hamid Roshan and Xiao Chen
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abM3_4DThe Discovery of the Edna Beryl Gold Deposit – a journey with the destination of multiple mineral discoveries
Robert Bills, Ana Liza Cuison and Steve Russell
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abM3_4GMagma evolution in the Halls Creek Orogen; insight from geodynamic numerical modelling and geochemical analysis
Fariba Kohanpour, Christopher Kirkland, Weronika Gorczyk, Sandra Occhipinti and Mark Lindsay
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abM3_4HUncertainty Analysis of Faulting and Folding on Near Surface Aquifers
Titus Murray, Ken Lawrie, Dave Gibson and Larysa Halas
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abT4_1BOnshore Inventory – Targeting New Basins (Officer, Perth, Canning Basins)
Lidena Carr, Takehiko Hashimoto and Adam Bailey
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abT4_1CIntegrated Seismic (IS) for Shale Gas Exploration and Management
Shastri L Nimmagadda, Paola Andrea Cardona Mora and Said Hanafy
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abT4_1FParticularities of 5-component magnetotelluric soundings application for mineral exploration
Igor Ingerov, Evgenii Ermolin and Sergei Belyakov
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abT4_1HCharacterizing the Spiritwood Valley Aquifer, North Dakota, using helicopter time-domain EM
Jean Legault, Timothy Eadie, Geoffrey Plastow, Alexander Prikhodko, David Hisz and Jon Patch
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abT4_2AResource Growth Through Petroleum Exploration in PNG
John Warburton, Jeremy Iwanec, Julianne Lamb, Douglas Waples and Keiran Wulff
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abT4_2BLinear Trends of Paleo-Pockmarks and Fluid Flow Pipes in the Jurassic and Triassic Sediments of Offshore Northwest Australia
Tayallen Velayatham, Simon Holford and Mark Bunch
pp. 1-3
ASEG2018abT4_2DApplication of frequency domain induction EM soundings with controlled source (FDEMS method) for precise tracing of boundaries in geoelectrical sections
Igor Ingerov, Andrii Lozoviy and Yana Mendrii
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abT4_2FSferic signals for lightning sourced electromagnetic surveys
Lachlan Hennessy and James Macnae
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abT4_2GAn integrated approach to mapping crustal geology and structures in the NE Capricorn Orogen, Western Australia: Implications for uranium exploration
Ashley Uren, Alan Aitken, Sandra Occhipinti and Annette George
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abT4_3BThe effect of flexural isostasy on delta architecture: implications for the Mungaroo Formation
Sara Morón, Tristan Salles, Stephen Gallagher and Louis Moresi
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abT4_3DApplication of Passive Seismic in Determining Overburden Thickness: North West Zambia
Manish Kumar, John Hart and Nikhil Prakash
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abT4_3GArchean controls on basin development and mineralisation in the Southern Capricorn Orogen
Sandra Occhipinti, Alan Aitken, Mark Lindsay and Lara Ramos
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abT4_4CAn optimised Hydraulic Fracturing Treatment on Challenging Rizq Field
Muhammad Asad Pirzada, Hamid Roshan, Faisal Saleem, Abdul Haseeb and Mohammed Kurdi
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abT4_4DScintillators for PGNAA in Mineral Exploration
Snezana Petrovic, Anton Kepic and Michael Carson
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abT4_4GIncreasing prospectivity in a covered terrain – the southern Thomson Orogen, northwestern NSW
Rosemary Hegarty, Ian Roach and Phil Gilmore
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abT5_1APlio-Pleistocene river drainage evolution in New Guinea. Implications for reservoir mineralogy predictions
Gilles Brocard, Sabin Zahirovic, Tristan Salles and Patrice Rey
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abT5_1BCanning Basin – Petroleum Systems Analysis
Andrew Murray, Casey Edwards and David Long
pp. 1-9
ASEG2018abT5_1CNew method for monitoring steam injection for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) and for finding sources of geothermal heat
Gordon Stove, Colin Stove and Michael Robinson
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abT5_1GAusAEM; acquisition of AEM at an unprecedented scale
Alan Yusen Ley-Cooper and Murray Richardson
pp. 1-3
ASEG2018abT5_1HRate of success for a groundwater drilling program planned from AEM, Gascoyne River, WA
Aaron Davis, Tim Munday and Richard George
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abT5_2AGeophysical and geological characterisation of dredge locations from RV Southern Surveyor voyage ss2012_v06 (ECOSATI): hotspot activity in northern Zealandia
Maria Seton, Simon Williams, Nick Mortimer, Sebastien Meffre, Steven Micklethwaite and Sabin Zahirovic
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abT5_2BUngani Oil Field, Canning Basin – Evaluation of a Dolomite Reservoir
David Long, Amy Millar, Stuart Weston, Lionel Esteban, Anne Forbes and Martin Kennedy
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abT5_2CA new system for efficiently acquiring vertical seismic profile surveys
Tim Dean, Nghia Nguyen, Brenton Armitage and Huw Rossiter
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abT5_2FComparative Analysis and Joint Inversion of MT and ZTEM Data
Wolfgang Soyer and Randall Mackie
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abT5_3ACompressional evolution of the PNG margin from an orogenic transect from Juha to the Sepik
Kevin Hill and Luke Mahoney
pp. 1-3
ASEG2018abT5_3BDepositional, diagenetic and mineralogical controls on porosity development in the Ungani Field, Canning Basin
June Then, Moyra Wilson, Iain Copp, Maja Buschkuehle and Ronell Carey
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abT5_3DEpisodic mineralising fluid injection through chemical shear zones
Thomas Poulet, Sotiris Alevizos, Manolis Veveakis, Victor Boussange and Klaus Regenauer-Lieb
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abT5_3F1, 2.5 and/or 3D Inversion of Airborne EM data - options in the search for sediment-hosted base metal mineralisation in the McArthur Basin, Northern Territory.
Tim Munday, Camilla Soerensen, Dave Marchant, Jovan Silic, Rod Paterson, Andrea Viezzoli, Marcus Kunzmann and Sam Spinks
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abT5_3GEstimating Cover Thickness in the Southern Thomson Orogen – A Comparison of Applied Geophysics Estimates with Borehole Results
James Goodwin, Ian Roach, Tony Meixner, Wenping Jiang, Josef Holzschuh and Laurence Davies
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abT5_3HUncovering the Musgrave Province in South Australia using airborne EM
Camilla Soerensen, Tim Munday, Carmen Krapf, Andy Love, Adrian Costar, Kent Inverarity, Michael Gogoll and Mat Gilfedder
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abT5_4ATectonic and Geodynamic Evolution of the Northern Australian Margin and New Guinea
Joanna Tobin, Sabin Zahirovic, Rakib Hassan and Patrice Rey
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abT5_4BLaurel Gas Play, Canning Basin - Recent Stratigraphic Learnings
Simon Sturrock, Mark Devereux, Keith Martens, June Then, Fionna McNee and David Long
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abT5_4FSpatially and Conductivity Log Constrained AEM Inversion
Ross Brodie and Yusen Ley-Cooper
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abT5_4HA multidisciplinary study of groundwater conditions in sedimentary strata at Thirlmere Lakes (NSW)
K. David, W Timms, G Rau, M Andersen and T McMillan
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abT6_1AA method for assessing earth model uncertainty in the Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
Edward Lewis, Tony Martin, Tony Bell, Dennis van der Burg and Lorenzo Russo
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abT6_1BOn the Geothermal Potential of the Heyuan Fault, South China
Lisa Tannock and Klaus Regenauer-Lieb
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abT6_1CThe Use of Coring-Induced Petal Fractures in Coal to Supplement and Ground Truth the Interpretation of Image Logs
David Titheridge and Saswata Mukherjee
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abT6_1FLarge Scale 3D Airborne Electromagnetic Inversion – Recent Technical Improvements.
Michael McMillan, Eldad Haber and Dave Marchant
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abT6_1GMetamorphism and Skarn Mineralisation in the Cobar Basin: Implications for Exploration
Joel Fitzherbert, Phil Blevin and Adam McKinnon
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abT6_2AModelling and visualising distributed crustal deformation of Australia and Zealandia using GPlates 2.0
Dietmar Müller, Samuel Russell, Sabin Zahirovic, Simon Williams and Crystal Williams
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abT6_2BThe Discovery and Development of Oil Rim Fields in the Beibu Gulf, China
Andrew Fernie, Frank Zhou, Rick McCarthy and Gavin Douglas
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abT6_2CAutomatic Fracture Identification using X-ray Images
Ankita Singh, Xiao Lu, Ryan Armstrong and Peyman Mostaghimi
pp. 1-2
ASEG2018abT6_2F3D Time-Domain Airborne EM Inversion with Finite-Volume Method
Xiuyan Ren, James Macnae, Changchun Yin, Yunhe Liu and Bo Zhang
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abT6_2HBootstrapping reliable noise measure in time-gated nuclear magnetic resonance data
Trevor Irons, Brian McPherson and Andy Kass
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abT7_1AInvestigation of Possible Shallow Gas Accumulations Associated with Pockmarks on the Otago Slope Southeast of New Zealand
Jasper Hoffmann, Andrew Gorman and Gareth Crutchley
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abT7_1BShelf-margin architecture and shoreline processes at the shelf-edge: Controls on sediment partitioning and prediction of deep-water deposition style
Victorien Paumard, Julien Bourget, Tobi Payenberg, Bruce Ainsworth, Simon Lang, Henry Posamentier and Annette George
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abT7_1DA new blasthole XRF probe for mining grade control.
Phil Hawke and J Bachmann
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abT7_1GCharacterising the Subsurface Architecture and Stratigraphy of the McArthur Group through Integrated Airborne EM and Gravity Inversion
Teagan Blaikie, Camilla Soerensen, Tim Munday, Peter Schaubs, Sam Spinks, Susanne Schmid and Marcus Kunzmann
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abT7_1HLow noise, multichannel surface NMR receiver system with wireless connections to receiver coils
Lichao Liu, Denys Grombacher, Esben Auken and Jakob Juul Larsen
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abT7_2ACharacterisation of focused gas hydrate accumulations from the Pegasus Basin, New Zealand, using high-resolution and conventional seismic data
Andrew R. Gorman, Patrick Fletcher, Dylan Baker, Gareth J. Crutchley, Stuart Henrys and Douglas Fraser
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abT7_2CImpact of artificially matured organic matter on the dielectric and elastic properties of compacted shales
Matthieu Cauchefert, Matthew Josh, Lionel Esteban, Stephanie Vialle, Maxim Lebedev, Jeremie Dautriat, Joel Sarout and Bruce Maney
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abT7_2DCassiterite and Rutile as Indicator Minerals for Exploring the VMS System
Walid Salama, Ravi Anand and Malcolm Roberts
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abT7_2EEvaluating Brine Deposits Using Borehole Magnetic Resonance
Adam Lloyd, Tim Hopper, Tom Neville and Benjamin Birt
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abT7_2FSub-Audio Magnetics (SAM) – Ground-based and HeliSAM FLEM Trials at the Forrestania EM Test Range
Malcolm Cattach, Christopher Parker and Russell Mortimer
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abT7_2GSelf Organising Maps - A Case Study of Broken Hill
Luke Smith and Tasman Gillfeather-Clark
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abT7_2HECloud – Magnetotelluric Webapp
Andrew Pethick, Brett Harris and Petr Lebedev
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abT7_3AComparing Shale Gouge Ratio and Juxtaposition Analysis Using Stochastic Trap Analysis: Examples from Gippsland, Taranaki, Otway and Southern North Sea Basins
Titus Murray, Dave Richards, Bill Power, Tony Johnson and Greg Christie
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abT7_3BAirborne Gravity Gradiometer Survey over the Pelarang Anticline, Onshore Kutai Basin, Indonesia
Asbjorn Norlund Christensen, Cameron Jones, Leonhard Bow Kocijan, Hannah Booth, Seda Rouxel and Balakrishnan Kunjan
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abT7_3CThe Stratigraphic Architecture, Distribution and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Organic Rich Kyalla and Velkerri Shales of the Upper Roper Group (McArthur Basin)
Mattilda Sheridan, Rhodri Johns and Howard Johnson
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abT7_3DCan geophysics and geochemistry combine to detect mineralisation under transported cover?
David Cohen, John Triantafilis, Ahmad Mokhtari, Hamid Zekri and Simon Gatehouse
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abT7_3FCGG’S New Helitem-C AEM Systems
Adam Smiarowski, Phillip Miles and Graham Konieczny
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abT7_3GThe Utility of Machine Learning in Identification of Key Geophysical and Geochemical Datasets: A Case Study in Lithological Mapping in the Central African Copper Belt
Stephen Kuhn, Matthew Cracknell and Anya Reading
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abT7_3HGroundwater Assessment in a Coal Measures Sequence Using Borehole Magnetic Resonance
Mark Krejci, Melinda Lett, Adam Lloyd, Tim Hopper, Tom Neville and Benjamin Birt
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abT7_4BThe Effect of Deep Burial and Folding on Sandstone Reservoirs in some Giant Gas Fields, South America
Gregory Smith, Reza Rezee, Maxim Lebedev and Stefan Iglauer
pp. 1-9
ASEG2018abT7_4CGeomechanical prestack depth migration of the Kraken 3D (Browse Basin, Australia)
Jarrod Dunne, Matthew Zengerer, Hamish Stein, Stephen Gallagher, Ferudun Kilic, Pramod Kumar and Shiv Pujan Singh
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abT7_4FPassive EM Processing of MEGATEM and HELITEM Data
Daniel Sattel and Eric Battig
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abT7_4HGeologically-Constrained Interpretation of Airborne Electromagnetic Data for Definition of Prospective Groundwater Resources, Albany Hinterland, Western Australia
James Reid, Sheryl Ryan and Cahit Yesertener
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abW8_1ABroadband Least-Squares Wave-Equation Migration
Shaoping Lu, Alejandro Valenciano, Nizar Chemingui and Andrew Long
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abW8_1BRock-physics based time-lapse inversion in Delivery4D: synthetic feasibility study for CO2CRC Otway Project
Stanislav Glubokokvskikh, Roman Pevzner, Dmitry Popik, Christian Proud, James Gunning and Tess Dance
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abW8_1CEvolving Exploration Methods in the Hydrocarbon Play Within the Patchawarra Formation on the Western Flank, Cooper Basin
Johann Soares and Christopher Webb
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abW8_1EConstrained 3D modelling and geochemical analyses of the Horseshoe Range BIF: tools for evaluating magnetic signatures under cover
Ben Patterson, Dr James Austin and Dr Mark Pearce
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abW8_1FPotential of full waveform inversion of vertical seismic profile data in hard rock environment
Anton Egorov, Andrej Bόna, Roman Pevzner and Konstantin Tertyshnikov
pp. 1-3
ASEG2018abW8_1GImpact of Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) Surveys in Groundwater Management in The Lower Platte South Natural Resources District, Nebraska, USA
Jared D Abraham, Richard L. Ehrman, James C. Cannia and Theodore H. Asch
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abW8_2AMethods for reducing unwanted noise (and increasing signal) in passive seismic surveys
Tim Dean, Aidan Shem and Mus’ab Al Hasani
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abW8_2BApplication of time-lapse full waveform inversion of vertical seismic profile data for the identification of changes introduced by CO2 sequestration
Anton Egorov, Andrej Bόna, Roman Pevzner, Stanislav Glubokovskikh and Konstantin Tertyshnikov
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abW8_2CStromatolite Construction, Biofacies and Biomarkers in the Lower Cambrian Hawker Group, Arrowie Basin, South Australia
Bronwyn L. Teece, Simon C. George and Glenn A. Brock
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abW8_2EComparing responses from different AEM systems and derived models at the Sunnyside nickel project, Botswana
Andrea Viezzoli and Gavin Selfe
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abW8_2GAquifer Delineation Using the Tempest AEM System
Sheryl Ryan, Adam Smiarowski, David Schafer, Josephine Searle and Matt Blomfield
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abW8_2HThe ‘Exploring For The Future’ Groundwater Programme: A Multi-Physics, Inter-Disciplinary Systems Approach For De-Risking Investment in Agriculture in Northern Australia
Ken Lawrie, Narelle Neumann, Ross S. Brodie, Neil Symington, Laura Gow, Larysa Halas, Chris Harris-Pascal, KokPiang Tan, Donna Cathro, Martin Smith, Sam Buchanan, Peter Milligan, Des Yin Foo, John Wischusen, Niels B. Christensen, Don Bennett and Richard George
pp. 1-9
ASEG2018abW8_3AQuantitative Interpretation: Use of Seismic Inversion Data to Directly Estimate Hydrocarbon Reserves and Resources
James Shadlow, Adam Craig, David Christiansen and Robert Mitchell
pp. 1-9
ASEG2018abW8_3B3D Vertical Seismic Profiling Acquired Using Fibre-Optic Sensing Das – Results From The CO2CRC Otway Project
Julia Correa, Barry Freifeld, Michelle Robertson, Roman Pevzner, Andrej Bona, Dmitry Popik, Konstantin Tertyshnikov and Thomas Daley
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abW8_3CReservoir Modelling, Structural History and Volumetrics of the Jerboa Area, Eyre Sub-Basin
Jordan McGlew and Prof. Gregory Smith
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abW8_3EWhat is ZTEM seeing over these tropical porphyry deposits?
Chris Wijns and Jean Legault
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abW8_3FFast-Tracking Gold Exploration Below 300m around a mature mine complex – 3D Seismic Case History of the Darlot – Centenary Gold Mine
Andrew Foley, Sarah Jones and Greg Turner
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abW8_3GResolving Changes to Freshwater Lens Systems in a “Sea of Salinity” using Multi-date Airborne EM
Tim Munday and Camilla Soerensen
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abW8_3HAn Integrated Hydrogeophysical Approach to Exploring for Groundwater Resources in Southern Northern Territory
Laura Gow, Niels B. Christensen, John Wischusen, Ken Lawrie, Donna Cathro, Sam Buchanan, Martin Smith and KokPiang Tan
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abW8_4ASolid substitution: theory versus experiment
Yongyang Sun, Maxim Lebedev, Vassili Mikhaltsevitch, Stanislav Glubokovskikh, Stefan Iglauer and Boris Gurevich
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abW8_4CTertiary Deep-Water Coral Supports Cold Seeps in the Ceduna Sub-Basin
Laurent Langhi, Julian Strand, Andy Ross, Karen Gowlett-Holmes, Emanuelle Frery and April Pickard
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abW8_4EAirborne Geophysics over the Dolly Varden VMS and Low Sulphidation Epithermal Silver Deposits, Northwestern BC, Canada
Sean E. Walker, Christopher Campbell, Jean M. Legault, Carlos Izarra, Karl Kwan, Geoffrey Plastow, Ben Whiting and Robert Van Egmond
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abW8_4FDistributed Acoustic Sensing for Mineral Exploration: Case Study
Andrej Bona and Roman Pevzner
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abW8_4GStretching AEM near-surface resolution limits related to low- and very high resistivity contrasts
G. H. Skurdal, A. A. Pfaffhuber, A. Davis, S. Bazin, H. Anschütz, N. S. Nyboe, N. Foged, T. Thomassen and T. Wiig
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abW8_4HUsing AEM and GMR Methods for Non-Invasive, Rapid Reconnaissance Mapping and Characterisation of Groundwater Systems in the Kimberley Region, Northern Australia
Ken Lawrie, Neil Symington, KokPiang Tan, Niels B. Christensen, Larysa Halas, Chris Harris-Pascal, Andrew McPherson, Donna Cathro and Elliot Grunewald
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abW9_1BFeasibility of Seismic Monitoring of CCS in Perth Basin
Stanislav Glubokovskikh, Andrej Bona, Roman Pevzner, Anton Egorov and Ludovic Ricard
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abW9_1CRegional migration and trapping frameworks in the frontier ceduna sub-basin: new insights from stratigraphic forward modelling and ‘triangle juxtaposition’ diagrams.
Laurent Langhi, Julian Strand, Andrew Ross and Emanuelle Frery
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abW9_1EImaging high quality conductors at Golden Grove
Neil A Hughes, Mark van Heerden and Lucas Williams
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abW9_1FThe use of petrophysical data in mineral exploration: A perspective
Mike Dentith, Cameron Adams and Barry Bourne
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abW9_1HComparative Evaluation of 1D, 2.5D and 3D Inversions for Resolving Tectonic Elements in Floodplains and Near-Surface Inverted Sedimentary Basins
Ken Lawrie, Niels B. Christensen, Ross C. Brodie, Eldad Haber, Neil Symington, David Gibson, Titus Murray, Larysa Halas, David Marchant and KokPiang Tan
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abW9_2AMarine Vibrator Concepts for Modern Seismic Challenges
Andrew Long and Rune Tenghamn
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abW9_2BA double double-porosity model for wave propagation in patchy-saturated tight sandstone with fabric heterogeneity
Jing Ba, Mengqiu Guo, Wenhao Xu, Fengyuan Sun, Lin Zhang and Wei Cheng
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abW9_2CCould the Mesoproterozoic Kyalla Formation Emerge as a Viable Gas Condensate Source Rock Reservor Play in the Beetaloo Sub-Basin?
Carl Altmann, Elizabeth Baruch, David Close, Mohinudeen Faiz, Brenton Richards and Alexander Cote
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abW9_2FPractical Considerations & Good Protocol for the Interpretation of Ultramafic & Mafic Rock Physical Property Data
Cameron Adams and Michael Dentith
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abW9_2HRapid Assessment of Groundwater Salinity and Seawater Intrusion Hazard in the Keep River Floodplain, Northern Territory, Australia
Ken Lawrie, Des YinFoo, Niels B. Christensen, Larysa Halas, KokPiang Tan, Chris Harris-Pascal, Andrew McPherson, Martin Smith, Ross S. Brodie, Neil Symington, Donna Cathro and Leo Lymburner
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abW9_3AFibre-Optic Vsps: Borehole Seismic Revolution in Australia
Dr. Konstantin Galybin* Tsunehisa Kimura Fargana Exton
pp. 1-3
ASEG2018abW9_3BThe influence of reverse-reactivated normal faults on porosity and permeability in sandstones: a case study at Castle Cove, Otway Basin
Natalie Debenham, Natalie J. C. Farrell, Simon P. Holford, Rosalind C. King and David Healy
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abW9_3CIsotope Constraints on Intra-Basin Correlation and Depositional Settings of the Mid-Proterozoic Carbonates and Organic-Rich Shales in the Greater McArthur Basin, Northern Territory, Australia
Juraj Farkas, Maxwell Bullen, Grant Cox, Alan Collins, William Giuliano, Sandra Menpes, Juergen Gusterhuber and Belinda Smith
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abW9_3EApplication of Geophysics for Mineral Exploration in the Mount Lyell Region of Tasmania
Jaco Smit, John Hooper, Adam Smiarowski and Carsten Scholl
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abW9_3FPetrophysics and Exploration Targeting: The Value Proposition
Barry Bourne, Mike Dentith and Anthony Jumeau
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abW9_3HVTEM ET: An improved helicopter time-domain EM system for near surface applications
Timothy Eadie, Jean M. Legault, Geoffrey Plastow, Alexander Prikhodko and Pavel Tishin
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abW9_4ECombined gravity and magnetic studies of satellite bodies associated with the giant Coompana negative magnetic anomaly in South Australia
Clive Foss, Philip Heath, Tom Wise and Rian Dutch
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abW9_4FDefining Petrophysical Properties of Ultramafic and Mafic RocksIn Terms of Alteration
Cameron Adams and Michael Dentith
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abW10_1ALeast Square Q-Kirchhoff Migration: Implementation and Application
Xiaodong Wu, Yi Xie, Joe Zhou, Dechun Lin and Yu Wang
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abW10_1BCA-IDTIMS and biostratigraphy: Their impact on exploration
John Laurie, Tegan Smith, Simon Bodorkos, Bob Nicoll, Jim Crowley, Dan Mantle and Geoff Wood
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abW10_1EAn assessment of Geotem, Falcon® and ZTEM surveys over the Nebo Babel deposit, Western Australia
Ken Witherly and Daniel Sattel
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abW10_1GGaining insight into the T2*-T2 relationship through complex inversion of surface NMR free-induction decay data
Denys Grombacher and Esben Auken
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abW10_1HNovel Methods for Near-Surface Hydrogeological Feature Enhancement from High-Resolution Airborne Magnetic Data
Peter Milligan, Larysa Halas, Ken Lawrie, Andrew McPherson, Martin Smith, Chris Harris-Pascal, David Gibson and KokPiang Tan
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abW10_2BAnalysis of Time-Lapse Seismic and Production Data for Systematic Reservoir Model Classification and Assessment
Rafael Souza, David Lumley, Jeffrey Shragge, Alessandra Davolio and Denis Schiozer
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abW10_2DCommon Uncertainty Research Explorer Uncertainty Estimation in Geological 3D Modelling
Evren Pakyuz-Charrier, Jeremie Giraud, Mark Lindsay and Mark Jessell
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abW10_2EGeophysics for Sediment Hosted Copper and Gold Mineralisation, The Role of 3DIP
Barry Bourne and Lynelle Beinke
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abW10_2GMagnetotelluric Inversion for Characterisation of Complex Aquifer Systems
Ralf Schaa, Brett Harris, Andrew Pethick, Alex Costall, Jon-Philippe Pigois and Eric Takam Takougang
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abW10_2HRecent Advancements and Applications of Logging and Surface Magnetic Resonance for Groundwater Investigations
Elliot Grunewald and David Walsh
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abW10_3AImpact of artificially matured organic matter on the dielectric and elastic properties of compacted shales
Matthieu Cauchefert, Matthew Josh, Lionel Esteban, Stephanie Vialle, Maxim Lebedev, Jeremie Dautriat and Joel Sarout Bruce Maney
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abW10_3BIntegrating geophysical monitoring data into multiphase fluid flow reservoir simulation
Trevor P. Irons*, Brian J.O.L. McPhserson, Nathan Moodie, Rich Krahenbuhl and Yaoguo Li
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abW10_3DMultidimensional Topology Transforms
Mark W. Jessell, Vitaliy Ogarko, Mark Lindsay, Evren Pakyuz-Charrier and Stéphane Perrouty
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abW10_3EGeophysics of the Patterson Lake South Uranium Deposit, northwestern Saskatchewan
David Bingham and Jean M Legault
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abW10_3FMagnetic Field Surveys of Thin Sections
Nathan S. Church and Suzanne A. McEnroe
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abW10_3GLOUPE - A Portable EM Profiling System
Gregory Street, Andrew Duncan, Peter Fullagar and Richard Tresidder
pp. 1-3
ASEG2018abW10_3HImproved Groundwater System Characterization and Mapping Using Hydrogeophysical Data and Machine-Learning Workflows
Michael J. Friedel, Neil Symington, Larysa Halas, Kokpiang Tan, Ken Lawrie and David Gibson
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abP001Carbon Isotope Fractionation in Coal and Marine Source Rocks and Implications for Exploration
Mohinudeen Faiz, Alison Zoitsas, Carl Altmann, Elizabeth Baruch-Jurado and David Close
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abP002Biomarker signatures of Upper Cretaceous hydrocarbon source rocks from the Latrobe Group, Gippsland Basin
Lian Jiang and Simon C. George
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abP003Identification of Clay Minerals Within the Springbok Formation, Surat Basin
Mitchell Levy and Oliver Gaede
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abP004VTI Anisotropy in the Jamieson and Echuca Shoals Formations in the Browse Basin
Aymen Beji, Marina Pervukhina, Jean-Baptiste Peyaud, Yevhen Kovalyshen, Valeriya Shulakova, Mark Raven and Lionel Esteban
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abP005The Structural Evolution of the North West Shelf: a Thermomechanical Modeling Approach Using Stratified Lithospheric Rheologies and Surface Processes
Romain Beucher, Sara Moron, Louis Moresi, Tristan Salles, Patrice Rey, Gilles Brocard and Rebecca Farrington
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abP007Triassic Provenance Analysis of the Roebuck Basin, North West Shelf of Australia
Megan Lech, Chris Lewis, Lloyd T. White and Steve Abbott
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abP008The North West Shelf (NWS), a Digital Petroleum Ecosystem (PDE) in a Big Data Scale
Shastri L Nimmagadda, Amit Rudra and Torsten Reiners
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abP009Full-volume interpretation methods: Applications for quantitative seismic stratigraphy and geomorphology of the Lower Barrow Group, Northwest Australia
Victorien Paumard, Julien Bourget, Benjamin Durot, Sébastien Lacaze and Tom Wilson
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abP010Recalibrating Australian Triassic Palynostratigraphy to the International Geologic Timescale Using High Resolution CA-IDTIMS Dating
Tegan Smith, Robert Nicoll, John Laurie, Jim Crowley, John McKellar, Hamish Campbell, Ian Raine and Daniel Mantle and Arthur Mory
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abP011Surface Process Models of The Lake Eyre Basin Using Badlands Software
Ruken Alac, Sabin Zahirovic, Tristan Salles and Dietmar Muller
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abP012U-Pb Geochronology of Apatite and Calcite at The Ernest Henry Deposit, NW Queensland; Implications for Hydrothermal Evolution and Ore Genesis
Sally Cripps, Fabio Ramos and Rohitash Chandra
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abP0133D Mapping of NSW Project: Sydney–Gunnedah Basin
John Davidson and Felipe Oliveira
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abP014Modelling Rifting Sequence Stratigraphy Coupled with Surface Process and Thermo-Mechanical Modelling
Xuesong Ding, Tristan Salles, Nicolas Flament and Patrice Rey
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abP015Constraining Upland Erodibility in Catchments Delivering Sediment to The Gulf of Papua
Rhiannon Garrett, Gilles Brocard, Tristan Salles and Patrice Rey
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abP016Data Visualisation & Integration: An Undergraduate Perspective on The Frank Arnott Award
Mike Reiger, Larissa Collins, Ben Kay, Angus Nixon, Sarah McDonald, Teagan Romyn, Kiryeong Lee, Melissa Stinear, Racheal Mahlknecht, Jianan Chen, Jamieson Woolcock and Graham Heinson
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abP017Improved Imaging of the Subsurface Geology in the Mowla Terrace, Canning Basin using Gravity Gradiometry Data
Irena Kivior, Stephen Markham, Fasil Hagos, Mark Baigent, Tony Rudge and Mark Devereux
pp. 1-10
ASEG2018abP020Research on DC resistivity for an arbitrarily anisotropic earth using circular scanning measurement
Zhilong Yang, Changchun Yin, Xiuyan Ren and Changkai Qiu Xiaoyue Cao
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abP021Acceleration of 3D potential field data inversion using a BB iterative algorithm
Zhaohai Meng, Fengting Li, Hao Yu, Lin Ma and Zhongi L L
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abP024Tracing shallow lateral preferential pathways of fluid movement using electrical geophysics
Anthony Finn and Dr Mark Lackie
pp. 1-9
ASEG2018abP025Structural Evolution of the Thirlmere and Mount Tomah Monoclines: Southern Sydney Basin NSW
Timothy McMillan, Titus Murray and Dr. Wendy Timms
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abP026Determining Upflow/Outflow Zone and Fluids Flows in Geothermal Prospect Area Based on Geoindicator Comparison Value: A Case Study of Mt. Telomoyo, Central
Hasbi Fikru Syabi, Rifqi Alfadhilah Sentosa, Agil Gemilang Ramadhan and Boy Yoseph CSSSA
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abP027Soil and Fluids Geochemistry Analysis to Determine Non-Volcanic Geothermal Potential, Case Study of Bayah, Banten, Indonesia
Hasbi Fikru Syabi, Rifqi Alfadhillah Sentosa and Agus Didit Haryanto
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abP029Structural Geology Analysis Using Remote Sensing Method and its Correlation to Geothermal Occurence in Bayah District, Banten
Rifqi Alfadhillah Sentosa, Hasbi Fikru Syabi, Agil Gemilang Ramadhan and Iyan Haryanto
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abP030Geodynamic and Surface Process Evolution of New Guinea Since the Jurassic
Carmen Braz, Sabin Zahirovic and Dietmar Müller
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abP031New Perspective of Mesozoic Hydrocarbon Prospectivity Within West Timor
Aurio Erdi, Benyamin Sapiie, Novian Martha Kusuma, Alfend Rudyawan and Indra Gunawan
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abP032Unraveling Deep Structures Along A Rifted-Transform Margin: Insights From an Integrated Geophysical Study of The Northern Perth Basin
Guillaume Sanchez, Lisa Hall, Lynn Pryer, Zhiqun Shi, Irina Borissova and Chris Southby
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abP033Structural characteristics of northern Houtman sub-basin, Perth Basin
Chris Southby, Irina Borissova, Lisa Hall, Ryan Owens, George Bernardel and Emmanuelle Grosjean
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abP034Tectono-stratigraphic development of the northern Houtman Sub-basin, Perth Basin
Ryan Owens, Irina Borissova, Chris Southby, Lisa Hall, George Bernardel, Emmanuelle Grosjean and Cameron Mitchell
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abP039Electrical Resistivity Maps of the Australian Lower Crust
Graham Heinson, Stephan Thiel, Kate Robertson, Paul Soeffky and Yohannes Didana
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abP040Why do we Need to Know the Electrical Resistivity Structure of Oceanic Lithosphere?
Jake Macfarlane and Graham Heinson
pp. 1-3
ASEG2018abP041Constraining Airborne Electromagnetic Interpretation with Regolith Stratigraphy and Landscape Evolution Processes
Andrew King and Ignacio Gonzalez-Alvarez
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abP042Development of the MTpy software package for magnetotelluric data analysis
Alison Kirkby, Jared Peacock, Jingming Duan and Fei Zhang
pp. 1-3
ASEG2018abP043Detrital zircon analysis from the Galilee Basin, Queensland.
Laura J Phillips, Charles Verdel, Charlotte M Allen and Joan Esterle
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abP045Mercury and Soil Carbon Dioxide Analysis to Determine Geothermal Potential in Mt. Telomoyo, Central Java, Indonesia
Rifqi Alfadhillah Sentosa, Hasbi Fikru Syabi, Agil Gemilang Ramadhan and Boy Yoseph CSSSA
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abP047Using downhole resistivity to better understand magnetotelluric inversion
Janelle Simpson and Graham Heinson
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abP0483D airborne EM anisotropic effect and identification modeling by SE method
Xin Huang, Changchun Yin, Xiaoyue Cao, Yunhe Liu and Bo Zhang
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abP049Transcontinental Cainozoic paleovalleys of Western Australia
Gilles Brocard, Xuesong Ding, Tristan Salles, Sabin Zahirovic, Patrice Rey and Dietmar Müller
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abP050Magnetic Imaging of Ultramafic Bodies on the Site of the Ohi Nuclear Power Station, Central Japan
Shigeo Okuma, Masahiko Makino, Ayumu Miyakawa, Tadashi Nakatsuka, Yoshiharu Otsuka, Shunsuke Kudo, Makoto Yanagida, Toshinori Sasaki and Tatsuji Sugimori
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abP051Using Hydrogeophysical Techniques to Characterise and Map Sea Water Intrusion and Preferential Flow Paths in Howards East Aquifer, Darwin Rural Area, Northern Territory
Laura Go, Melissa Woltmann, Niels B. Christensen, Ken Lawrie, Des YinFoo, Eamon Lai, Sam Buchanan, Martin Smith and KokPiang Tan
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abP052Middle Ordovician Conodonts And Fish From The Stairway Sandstone, Amadeus Basin
Andrew Kelman and Kamal Khider
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abP053The conductivity structure of the Georgina-Arunta region from magnetotelluric data
Alison Kirkby and Jingming Duan
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abP054Geochemical changes in experimental water or HCl reactions of the Cooper Basin REM shales
J. K. Pearce, L.G. Turner and D. Pandey
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abP055Drained pore modulus determination using digital rock technology
Shakil Ahmed, Tobias Müller, Mahyar Madadi and Victor Calo
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abP056Optimum Image Resolution of a micro-CT image to characterize shape descriptors of unconsolidated sand
Zubair Ahmed and Maxim Lebedev
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abP057Coupled measurements of hydraulic permeability and full stiffness tensor compaction trends in artificial shales
Roman Beloborodov, Marina Pervukhina and Maxim Lebedev
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abP058A Comparison of a Conventional Borehole Tool and Distributed Acoustic Sensing at a Dedicated Field Laboratory
Julia Correa, Tim Dean, Layne Van Zaanen, Konstantin Tertyshnikov, Roman Pevzner and Andrej Bona
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abP059Carbon isotope fingerprinting palaeo fluid inclusion gases using a crushing-trapping technique
Se Gong, Stephen Sestak, Stephane Armand and Tania Vergara
pp. 1-3
ASEG2018abP061Volcanics: A Commonly Underestimated part of Petroleum Exploration
Mosayeb Khademi Zahedi and Shona MacDonald
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abP063Analysis on brittleness characteristics of tight oil siltstones
Wenhui Tan, Jing Ba, Haibo Zhao, Gang Fang, Wei Qian, Hao Chen, Ting Yu and Chunfang Wu
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abP065A cloud-based Well Log Database Prototype
Chitra Viswanathan, Irina Emelyanova, Ben Clennell and Stacy Maslin
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abP066Experimental and Theoretical Study of Water Retention Effects on Elastic Properties of Opalinus Shale
Alexey Yurikov, Maxim Lebedev, Marina Pervukhina and Boris Gurevich
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abP067Time-lapse surface seismic processing for Stage 2C of CO2CRC Otway Project
Dmitry Popik, Valeriya Shulakova, Konstantin Tertyshnikov, Sasha Ziramov, Milovan Urosevic and Roman Pevzner
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abP070Seismic Signatures of Fractured Reservoirs: Theory Versus Numerical Simulations
Junxin Guo, Stanislav Glubokovskikh, Boris Gurevich and Germán Rubino
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abP0713D Inversion of Large Scale Marine Controlled-Source Electromagnetics
Eldad Haber, Mike McMillan, Ben Kary and Dave Marchant
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abP072The impact of water saturation on the elastic anisotropy dispersion in the Wellington shale at seismic frequencies
Vassily Mikhaltsevitch, Maxim Lebedev and Boris Gurevich
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abP074Forward and inversion modelling of the ultrasonic wave in a homogeneous medium using P-wave transducers
Michel M. Nzikou, Alexey Yurikov, Mahyar Madadi, Maxim Lebedev and Boris Gurevich
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abP075Permeability and seismic-frequency elasticity of cracked glass
Abdulwaheed Ògúnsàmì, Yang Li and Ian Jackson
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abP076Interpretation Using Explicitly Encoded Phase, Amplitude and Fault Data
Jacob Smith, Rachael Moore and Adrien Bisset
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abP078Magnetic field surveys with a source of known magnetization
Clive Foss, Keith Leslie and Najid Pereira-Ishak
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abP082Geophysical Signature of the Southern Gurubang Base Metal Occurrence in South Eastern NSW
Harrison Jones, Mark Lackie, Mike Smith and Thusitha Nimalsiri
pp. 1-8
ASEG2018abP083Integration of Borehole Data in Geophysical Inversion Using Fuzzy Clustering
Duy Thong Kieu and Anton Kepic
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abP084Continuous Hydrogeological Characterisation in Iron Ore Deposits Using Borehole Magnetic Resonance
Kazimierz Trofimczyk, Mark Downey, Tim Hopper, Tom Neville and Benjamin Birt
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abP085Continuous Dry Bulk Density Evaluation Using Borehole Magnetic Resonance and Density Measurements
Tim Hopper, Tom Neville and Benjamin Birt
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abP086On Digital Opencast Mining Ecosystems (DOME) and Knowledge Management – a Big Data Perspective
Shastri L Nimmagadda, Veemelia V Murupindy Veenaikar and Torsten Reiners
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abP087Effect of finely-layered stiff carbonates on a seismic response. Northern Carnarvon basin synthetic study
Anastasia Pirogova, Roman Pevzner, Boris Gurevich and Sergey Vlasov
pp. 1-6
ASEG2018abP088Application of image processing methods in edge detection of potential field data
Tan Xiaodi, Ma Guoqing and Zhang Dailei
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abP089Fast Three Dimensional Density Inversion Based on Multi-Scale Analysis of Wavelet
Zhang Dailei, Ma Guoqing and Tan Xiaodi
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abP091Rapid Estimation of Volumetric Groundwater Recharge in the Vadose Zone via Ground Penetrating Radar
Alexander Ross Costall and Brett Harris
pp. 1-7
ASEG2018abP092Assessing Aquifer Compartmentalisation in the Daly River Basin, Northern Territory: A Hydrogeophysical Approach
Laura Gow, Niels B. Christensen, Steven Tickell, Ken Lawrie, Donna Cathro, Sam Buchanan and Martin Smith & KokPiang Tan
pp. 1-1
ASEG2018abP095Magnetotelluric, Basin Structure and Hydrodynamics; South West of Western Australia
Bibirabea Sedaghat, Ralf Schaa, Brett Harris, Andrew Pethick, Alex Costall, Jingming Duan and Wenping Jiang
pp. 1-5
ASEG2018abP096Application of Magnetic Resonance Data for Groundwater Prospectivity in The Fitzroy Basin, Western Australia
KokPiang Tan, Neil Symington, Ken Lawrie, Alastair Hoare, Elliot Grunewald and Larysa Halas
pp. 1-4
ASEG2018abP097Utilization of AEM Methods for Cost-Effective Mapping of Shallow Neogene Intra-Plate Fault Systems in Eastern Australian Coal Seam Gas Basins
Ken Lawrie, Donna Cathro, Neil Symington, Niels B. Christensen, Chris Harris-Pascal, KokPiang Tan, Andrew McPherson and Laura Gow
pp. 1-1