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Environmental Chemistry Environmental Chemistry Society
Environmental problems - Chemical approaches
Environmental Chemistry

Environmental Chemistry

Volume 14 Number 2 2017

Environmental context. Secondary organic aerosol, formed by oxidation of volatile precursors such as monoterpenes, is a major contributor to the total atmospheric organic aerosol. We focus on the online mass spectrometric analysis of the aerosol generated by oxidation products of four major monoterpenes in an environmental chamber. Numerous important monoterpene oxidation products were clearly observed and provided a direct comparison of the formation of biogenic secondary organic aerosols.

Environmental context. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays an important role in influencing the migration and ultimate fate of metals. Different sources of pollution resulted in changes in the structure of sediment DOM in Lake Wuliangsuhai. We investigate the binding properties of DOM with CuII and HgII using fluorescence quenching combined with two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy (2D-COS) in order to demonstrate the influence of different sources of DOM on metals.

EN16144The decreasing aggregation of nanoscale zero-valent iron induced by trivalent chromium

Danlie Jiang, Xialin Hu, Rui Wang, Yujing Wang and Daqiang Yin
pp. 99-105

Environmental context. Nanoscale zero-valent iron is a promising material for environmental engineering and groundwater remediation. However, the environmental behaviour and fate of nanoscale iron that is essential for applications and risk assessment is still uncertain. We report a study on the aggregation behaviour and mobility of nanoscale iron in the aquatic environment using colloidal chemical methods.

EN16152Atmospheric short-chain-chlorinated paraffins in Melbourne, Australia – first extensive Southern Hemisphere observations

Robert W. Gillett, Ian E. Galbally, Melita D. Keywood, Jennifer C. Powell, Gavin Stevenson, Alan Yates and Anders R. Borgen
pp. 106-114

Environmental context. This study presents the first comprehensive set of ambient atmospheric concentrations of short-chain-chlorinated paraffins in the southern hemisphere. The data show a seasonal cycle with a summer maximum and a winter minimum. The seasonal cycle is consistent with temperature dependence of the vapour pressure of the short-chain-chlorinated paraffins resulting in partitioning between the atmosphere and other reservoirs with a secondary modulation by soil moisture.

EN16137On-site determination of bisphenol A in river water by a novel solid-state electrochemiluminescence quenching sensor

Xiaoying Wang, Yijie Wang, Meng Jiang, Yanqun Shan and Xiaobing Wang
pp. 115-122

Environmental context. Bisphenol A is an endocrine disruptor, which may migrate and transfer to the environment where it presents a potential risk to the health of humans and animals. Herein, we demonstrate that electrospun nanofibers could be used to develop a highly efficient solid-state quenching sensor for on-site determination of bisphenol A in river water samples. The strategy has great potential for routine environmental analyses.

EN16136Ion exchange technique (IET) to characterise Ag+ exposure in soil extracts contaminated with engineered silver nanoparticles

Dina Schwertfeger, Jessica Velicogna, Alexander Jesmer, Heather McShane, Richard Scroggins and Juliska Princz
pp. 123-133

Environmental context. Biosolid-amended soils are likely sinks for manufactured silver nanoparticles, the environmental toxicity of which is believed to be related to the release and accumulation of Ag+ ions. This study demonstrates how an ion exchange technique can be applied to soil extracts to provide Ag+ measurements at low, environmentally relevant levels. The technique is a valuable addition to existing analytical methods for tracking the behaviour of Ag nanoparticles and Ag+ ions in the terrestrial environment.

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