Exploration Geophysics
Volume 40 Number 1 2009
Published jointly by ASEG, SEGJ, and KSEG
Editors: Changsoo Shin, Toshiyuki Yokota, Lindsay Thomas
EG08115 Grounded electrical-source airborne transient electromagnetic (GREATEM) survey of Mount Bandai, north-eastern Japan
Toru Mogi, Ken'ichirou Kusunoki, Hideshi Kaieda, Hisatoshi Ito, Akira Jomori, Nobuhide Jomori and Youichi Yuuki
pp. 1-7
EG08110Holistic inversion of frequency-domain airborne electromagnetic data with minimal prior information
Ross Brodie and Malcolm Sambridge
pp. 8-16
EG08112Magnetization structure of Aogashima Island using vector magnetic anomalies obtained by a helicopter-borne magnetometer
Nobuhiro Isezaski and Jun Matsuo
pp. 17-26
EG08114Detection of cavities in a karst area by means of a 3D electrical resistivity technique
Samgyu Park, Changryol Kim, Jung-Sul Son, Myeong-Jong Yi and Jung-Ho Kim
pp. 27-32
EG08111Negative apparent resistivity in dipole–dipole electrical surveys
Hyun-Key Jung, Dong-Joo Min, Hyo Sun Lee, Seokhoon Oh and Hojoon Chung
pp. 33-40
EG08118A small ocean bottom electromagnetometer and ocean bottom electrometer system with an arm-folding mechanism (Technical Report)
Takafumi Kasaya and Tada-nori Goto
pp. 41-48
EG08108A 3D ground penetrating radar imaging of the heavy rainfall-induced deformation around a river levee: a case study of Ara River, Saitama, Japan
Toshiyuki Yokota, Tomio Inazaki, Shunsuke Shinagawa and Takumi Ueda
pp. 49-55
EG08107Urban archaeological investigations using surface 3D Ground Penetrating Radar and Electrical Resistivity Tomography methods
Nikos Papadopoulos, Apostolos Sarris, Myeong-Jong Yi and Jung-Ho Kim
pp. 56-68
EG08117Evaluation of Van Khan Tooril's castle, an archaeological site in Mongolia, by Ground Penetrating Radar
Tseedulam Khuut and Motoyuki Sato
pp. 69-76
EG08120A new approach to enhancement of ground penetrating radar target signals by pulse compression
Mahmoud Gaballah and Motoyuki Sato
pp. 77-84
EG08119Maximising the lateral resolution of near-surface seismic refraction methods
Derecke Palmer
pp. 85-98
EG08113Waveform inversion of shallow seismic refraction data using hybrid heuristic search method
Mika Takekoshi and Hiroaki Yamanaka
pp. 99-104
EG08104Traveltime estimation of first arrivals and later phases using the modified graph method for a crustal structure analysis
Ryuji Kubota, Eiichiro Nishiyama, Kei Murase and Junzo Kasahara
pp. 105-113
EG08109A new waveform inversion method to determine the rupture directivity of moderate earthquakes: numerical tests for rupture models
Seung-Hoon Yoo and Junkee Rhie
pp. 114-120
EG08101Experiments on the stability of the spatial autocorrelation method (SPAC) and linear array methods and on the imaginary part of the SPAC coefficients as an indicator of data quality
Sos Margaryan, Toshiaki Yokoi and Koichi Hayashi
pp. 121-131
EG08105Effects on Logging-While-Drilling (LWD) data of mismatch between multipole sources
Joongmoo Byun and Yonghwan Joo
pp. 143-153
EG08116A comparative study of borehole size and tool effect on dispersion curves
Weijun Zhao, Jongman Kim and Yeonghwa Kim
pp. 154-162
EG08102Subcritical crack growth in rocks in an aqueous environment
Yoshitaka Nara, Masafumi Takada, Toshifumi Igarashi, Naoki Hiroyoshi and Katsuhiko Kaneko
pp. 163-171