Traveltime estimation of first arrivals and later phases using the modified graph method for a crustal structure analysis
Ryuji Kubota 1 4 Eiichiro Nishiyama 1 Kei Murase 1 Junzo Kasahara 2 31 Kawasaki Geological Engineering Co., Ltd., Mita-Kawasaki bldg., 2-11-15 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8337, Japan.
2 Faculty of Science, University of Shizuoka, Japan.
3 JGI Inc., Meikei Building, 1-5-21, Otsuka, Bunkyo, Tokyo 112-0021, Japan.
4 Corresponding author. Email:
Exploration Geophysics 40(1) 105-113
Submitted: 7 October 2008 Accepted: 26 November 2008 Published: 27 February 2009
The interpretation of observed waveform characteristics identified in refraction and wide-angle reflection data increases confidence in the crustal structure model obtained. When calculating traveltimes and raypaths, wavefront methods on a regular grid based on graph theory are robust even with complicated structures, but basically compute only first arrivals. In this paper, we develop new algorithms to compute traveltimes and raypaths not only for first arrivals, but also for fast and later reflection arrivals, later refraction arrivals, and converted waves between P and S, using the modified wavefront method based on slowness network nodes mapped on a multi-layer model. Using the new algorithm, we can interpret reflected arrivals, Pg-later arrivals, strong arrivals appearing behind Pn, triplicated Moho reflected arrivals (PmP) to obtain the shape of the Moho, and phases involving conversion between P and S. Using two models of an ocean-continent transition zone and an oceanic ridge or seamount, we show the usefulness of this algorithm, which is confirmed by synthetic seismograms using the 2D Finite Difference Method (2D-FDM). Characteristics of arrivals and raypaths of the two models differ from each other in that using only first-arrival traveltime data for crustal structure analysis involves risk of erroneous interpretation in the ocean-continent transition zone, or the region around a ridge or seamount.
Key words: forward modelling, graph method, later phase, PmP, P-S conversion, theoretical traveltime.
We express our sincere thanks to Drs. A. Nishizawa and K. Kaneda of the Japan Coast Guard for their useful comments and suggestions. We also thank the members of Japan Continental Shelf Survey Co., Ltd, Kawasaki Geological Eng. Co., Ltd, and JGI Inc. for giving many valuable suggestions. We also great thank two anonymous reviewers. Their critical comments greatly improved the paper.
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