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Exploration Geophysics Exploration Geophysics Society
Journal of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists

Application of high resolution airborne geophysics to epithermal gold exploration in Northeast Queensland and Coromandel, New Zealand

S.S. Webster and R.W. Henley

Exploration Geophysics 20(2) 99 - 102
Published: 1989


High resolution airborne geophysical data over broad areas have been found to optimize exploration for epithermal gold deposits in differing geological environments.Genetic exploration models may be tested in favourable sites by the recognition of geophysical signatures. These signatures reflect structural, lithological and alteration patterns arising from controls on ore deposits and can be applied at regional or detailed scales, using the same data set.At regional scale (e.g. 1:100,000) the magnetic data reflect the regional tectonics and divide the area into domains for the application of appropriate genetic models. At prospect scale (e.g. 1:25,000) the radiometric data allow the extrapolation of poorly outcropping geology to provide a cost-effective mapping technique. The magnetic data can be used to supplement this interpretation or can be used to target deeper sources for direct investigation by drilling.

© ASEG 1989

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