Exploration Geophysics
Volume 20 Numbers 1 & 2 1989
B. Freeman, M. Badley and G. Yielding
pp. 1-4
EG989005 Research in exploration geoscience: The AMIRA model
J.R. May, J.D. Bailey and J. Cucuzza
pp. 5-10
EG989025Seismic, gravity and magnetics, a complementary geophysical study of the Paqualin Structure, Timor Sea, Australia
P.M. Smith and M. Whitehead
pp. 25-29
EG989031Data integration of exploration data using colour space on an image processor
G.A. Spencer, D.F. Pridmore and D.J. Isles
pp. 31-35
EG989037aGeophysical methods of oil and gas exploration in cambrian and precambrian sedimentary rocks of the Siberian Platform
M.M. Mandelbaum and A.I. Shamal
pp. 37-37
EG989039Geophysical investigation of deep crustal structure of the Siberian Platform region
V.S. Surkov and V.I. Lotyshev
pp. 39-42
EG989047Resistivity mapping using inductive sources
J. MacNae, P. McGowan and Y. Lamontagne
pp. 47-50
EG989051Predicting the transient EM response of complex structures using the compact finite-element method
A. Raiche and F. Sugeng
pp. 51-55
EG989071Layered model inversion of central-loop EM soundings near a geological contact
M.J. Wilt and J.P. Williams
pp. 71-73
EG989081Airborne spectral sensing of hydrothermal alteration minerals
J.B. Lee, P.R. Osborne, J.C. Williams and A.S. Woodyatt
pp. 81-84
EG989099Application of high resolution airborne geophysics to epithermal gold exploration in Northeast Queensland and Coromandel, New Zealand
S.S. Webster and R.W. Henley
pp. 99-102
EG989103The application of ground and airborne magnetic methods to exploration and geological mapping in the Yilgarn goldfields of Western Australia
P. Williams, J.M. Stanley and M.K. Cattach
pp. 103-103
EG989105Interpretation and removal of EM coupling in IP data
T.W. Grant and G.W. Hohmann
pp. 105-110
EG989111The effects of polarizable mineral type, amount, mix and grainsize in complex resistivity studies of synthetic mineralized sands
S.R. Jaggar and D.W. Emerson
pp. 111-111
EG989117Results of geoelectrical soundings for mapping of a marine clay along the Tangkak-Pagoh highway Johor, Malaysia
A.G. Rafek and A.R. Samsudin
pp. 117-120
EG989121Case histories and modelling interpretation in CSAMT
E. van Reed, S. Maclnnes and M. Smith
pp. 121-121
EG989127The development of cross hole seismic techniques and case studies
G. Duncan, M. Downey, L. Leung and P. Harman
pp. 127-130
EG989131Geosensing techniques for mineral exploration and mine planning
P.A. Gray, J.F. Doyle and P.H. Scaiffe
pp. 131-131
EG989133A swept-frequency borehole source for inverse VSP and cross-borehole surveying
W. Kennedy, W. Wiggins, P. Aronstam and B.A. Hardage
pp. 133-136
EG989137The application of the 3D seismic surveying technique to coal seam imaging: case histories from the Arckaringa and Sydney basins
A.N. Lambourne, B.J. Evans and P.J. Hatherly
pp. 137-141
EG989143Seismic reflection survey by the crooked line method applied to a coalfield in a mountainous region
O. Nakano, A. Tamari and Y. Tobe
pp. 143-148
EG989149Borehole radar applied to characterization of fracture zones
O. Olsson, L. Falk, O. Forslund, B. Niva and E. Sandberg
pp. 149-152
EG989153Geophysical and image processing methods for detection of fireholes in brown coal, Latrobe Valley
G.R. Pettifer, N. Djordjevic, D. Heislers, J. Schaeffer and J.A. Withers
pp. 153-158
EG989163The development and initial field trials of a new high frequency seismic vibrator
D.B. Stewart and M.R. Seman
pp. 163-163
EG989181Production of a residual gravity field map for Tasmania and some implications
D.E. Leaman and R.G. Richardson
pp. 181-184
EG989185The determination of the geoid-spheroid separation for GPS levelling and applications
A.W.H. Kearsley and R.M. Eckels
pp. 185-185
EG989187Extension of the Eyre Peninsula Conductivity Anomaly
P.R. Milligan, A. White and F.H. Chamalaun
pp. 187-190
EG989201Comparison of magnetic and gravity terrain models
J.P. Williams and V.J.S. Grauch
pp. 201-204
EG989205A 3D isochronal modelling technique and its applications
S. Cao, B.L.N. Kennett and B.R. Goleby
pp. 205-206
EG989213The instantaneous-phase time slice: A crucial display for enhancing 3-D interpretation
B.A. Duff and D.J. Mason
pp. 213-217
EG989225Stacking and velocity estimation for 3-D surveys
B.L.N. Kennett, J.A. Collins and S.-H. Cao
pp. 225-227
EG989229A case history of a cost effective 3D seismic survey over the Perth Basin, Western Australia
S.C. Stewart and B.J. Evans
pp. 229-236
EG989237Dynamic time corrections and their application to seismic data over sea floor canyons in the Gippsland Basin
C.I. Blyth, N.J. Fisher and A.M. Heath
pp. 237-243
EG989243Depth conversion using a normalized velocity ? lithology correlation
M.D. Carter
pp. 243-243
EG989245Reconditioning marine seismic data for interactive interpretation
M.D. Carter, J.A. Kruppenbach, S.L. Mobley, R.H. Matthews and E. Lawrence
pp. 245-245
EG989245aPorosity from seismic data, a geostatistical approach
P.M. Doyen, M.H. de Buyl and T.M. Guidish
pp. 245-245
EG989247Gathering good seismic data from the Otway Basin
A.M. Heath, A.L. Culver and C.W. Luxton
pp. 247-251
EG989257Three-component amplitude versus offset analysis
D.R. Miles, G. Gassaway, L. Bennett and R. Brown
pp. 257-257
EG989259Land multi-line recording techniques: selected case histories from the People's Republic of China and Western Australia
F. O'Sullivan, S. Tobin and D. Hollis
pp. 259-269
EG989281Extended FK domain migration ? An efficient variable velocity algorithm
P. Whiting
pp. 281-285
EG989287Seismic expression of shallow structures in active tectonic settings in New Zealand
C.D. Cape, R.M. O'Connor, J.M. Ravens and D.J. Woodward
pp. 287-291
EG989293A long-offset seismic reflection and refraction study of the Gippsland and Bass Basins from onshore recording of a marine air-gun source
C.D.N. Collins, J.P. Cull, J.B. Willcox and J.B. Colwell
pp. 293-295
EG989309Offset VSP's ? examples of their application to exploration in the Timor Sea
G.M. King and S. Endersby
pp. 309-312
EG989335Sediment compaction and magnetotelluric data in the Eromanga Basin
J.P. Cull and J.D. Gray
pp. 335-337
EG989339The application of a joint MT CSAMT survey to oil exploration
L.M. Hastie, C. Cevallos and I.J. Chant
pp. 339-342
EG989343The use of an active drill bit for inverse VSP measurements
J.W. Rector III, B.P. Marion and R.A. Hardage
pp. 343-346