Crop and Pasture Science
Volume 60 Number 3 2009
CP08232Fertiliser N and P applications on two Vertosols in north-eastern Australia. 2. Grain P concentration and P removal in grain from two long-term experiments
David W. Lester, Colin J. Birch and Chris W. Dowling
pp. 218-229
CP08277The resolution and potential value of Australian seasonal rainfall forecasts based on the five phases of the Southern Oscillation Index
Andrew L. Vizard and Garry A. Anderson
pp. 230-239
CP08208Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) in rotation with faba bean (Vicia faba var. minor L.): long-term simulation case study
P. Garofalo, E. Di Paolo and M. Rinaldi
pp. 240-250
CP08191Comparison of the responses of two Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) genotypes to post-flowering soil water deficit with the response of canola (B. napus L.) cv. Monty
C. P. Gunasekera, R. J. French, L. D. Martin and K. H. M. Siddique
pp. 251-261
CP08224Differential sulfur efficiency in canola genotypes at vegetative and grain maturity stage
Tatjana Balint and Zdenko Rengel
pp. 262-270
CP08236Grain number determination in an old and a modern Mediterranean wheat as affected by pre-anthesis shading
Martín M. Acreche, Guillermo Briceño-Félix, Juan A. Martín Sánchez and Gustavo A. Slafer
pp. 271-279
CP08135Root length density and soil water distribution in drip-irrigated olive orchards in Argentina under arid conditions
Peter S. Searles, Diego A. Saravia and M. Cecilia Rousseaux
pp. 280-288
CP08215Role of root exudates and root turnover in the below-ground N transfer from Canavalia ensiformis (jackbean) to the associated Musa acuminata (banana)
Jorge Sierra and Lucienne Desfontaines
pp. 289-294
CP08234Identification of endosperm and maternal plant QTLs for protein and lysine contents of rice across different environments
C. H. Shi, Y. Shi, X. Y. Lou, H. M. Xu, X. Zheng and J. G. Wu
pp. 295-301