Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 16 Number 2 1965
AR9650125A virosis-like proliferation (Witches' broom) of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) caused by an eriophyid mite (Aceria medicaginis Keifer)
LL Stubbs and JW Meagher
pp. 125-129
AR9650131The occurrence of a quiescent infection of stone fruits caused by Sclerotinia fructicola (wint.) Rehm.
PT Jenkins and C Reinganum
pp. 131-140
AR9650145The rates of production of volatile fatty acids in the rumen. II Measurements of production of volatile fatty acids in the rumen
FV Gray, RA Weller and GG Jones
pp. 145-157
AR9650159 The effect of sucrose on the utilization of straw plus urea diets by sheep
GJ Faichney
pp. 159-167
AR9650189Reproductive performance of Merino ewes grazing red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), improved pasture, or native pasture
JF Barrett, JM George and DR Lamond
pp. 189-200
AR9650201Investigation of the vaginal smear (Allen-Doisy) assay of oestrogen in ovariectomized ewes
DR Lamond and DR Lang
pp. 201-210
AR9650211Crimp in wool : the skin histology of normal and doggy-fleeced sheep
RE Chapman and BF Short
pp. 211-218
AR9650219Pigmentation of sheep. I. Inheritance of pigmented wool in the Merino
MG Brooker and CHS Dolling
pp. 219-228