Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 15 Number 6 1964
AR9640876Isotopic studies on the uptake of nitrogen by pasture grasses. II. Uptake of fertilizer nitrogen by Rhodes grass in posts
EF Henzell, AE Martin, PJ Ross and KP Haydock
pp. 876-884
AR9640885The influence of subterranean clover pastures on soil fertility. II. The effects of certain management systems
ER Watson and P Lapins
pp. 885-894
AR9640895Dormancy and hard-seededness in Western Australian serradella (Ornithopus compressus L.)
RA Barrett-Lennard and JS Gladstones
pp. 895-904
AR9640905Apple fruit cell numbers in relation to cropping alternation and certain treatments
D Martin, TL Lewis and J Cerny
pp. 905-919
AR9640929Preliminary trials of the application of antitranspirants under field conditions to vines and bananas
J Gale, A Poljakoff-Mayber, I Nir and I Kahane
pp. 929-936
AR9640937Effects of stress on ovarian morphology and oestrus cycles in ewes
AWH Braden and GR Moule
pp. 937-949
AR9640950 The effect of frequent ejaculation in the ram on some semen characteristics
S Salamon
pp. 950-960
AR9640969Energy costs of feeding activities and energy expenditure of grazing sheep
N McCGraham
pp. 969-973
AR9640982Influence of ambient temperatures on the heat production of pregnant ewes
N McCGraham
pp. 982-988
AR9640989The summer nutrition of weaner sheep: Herbage intake following periods of differential nutrition
WG Allden and RS Young
pp. 989-1000
AR9641001The pathogenesis of footrot in sheep with reference to proteases of Fusiformis nodosus
JH Thomas
pp. 1001-1016