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Dual-purpose canola—a new opportunity in mixed farming systems

J. A. Kirkegaard A D , S. J. Sprague A , H. Dove A , W. M. Kelman A , S. J. Marcroft B , A. Lieschke C , G. N. Howe A and J. M. Graham A
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A CSIRO Plant Industry, GPO Box 1600, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia.

B Marcroft Grains Pathology, 110 Natimuk Rd, Horsham, Vic. 3400, Australia.

C School of Agriculture, Charles Sturt University, PO Box 588, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2678, Australia.

D Corresponding author. Email:

Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 59(4) 291-302
Submitted: 31 July 2007  Accepted: 18 January 2008   Published: 8 April 2008

79 articles found in Crossref database.

Average daily gain in lambs grazing mixed annual forage species compared with single species and relationship to feed on offer
Clayton E. H., Fahey H., Tyndall P., Lowrie R., Xu B., Ataollahi F., Norton M. R., Greer Andy
Animal Production Science. 2024 64(14).
Crop and livestock production for dual-purpose winter canola (Brassica napus) in the high-rainfall zone of south-eastern Australia
Sprague Susan J., Kirkegaard John A., Graham John M., Dove Hugh, Kelman Walter M.
Field Crops Research. 2014 156 p.30
Grazing crops: implications for reproducing sheep
Masters David G., Thompson Andrew N.
Animal Production Science. 2016 56(4). p.655
Small effects of deferment of annual pastures through grazing spring wheat crops in Western Australia can benefit livestock productivity
Thomas Dean T., Moore Andrew D., Norman Hayley C., Revell Clinton K.
Crop and Pasture Science. 2015 66(4). p.410
CASE STUDY: Production of silage containing biennial canola and peas for use as forage in a dairy ration
Kincaid R.L., Johnson K.A., Michal J.J., Huisman A.C., Hulbert S.H., Pan W.L.
The Professional Animal Scientist. 2012 28(1). p.120
Water use dynamics of dryland canola (Brassica napus L.) grown on contrasting soils under elevated CO2
Uddin Shihab, Parvin Shahnaj, Löw Markus, Fitzgerald Glenn J, Tausz-Posch Sabine, Armstrong Roger, Tausz Michael
Plant and Soil. 2019 438(1-2). p.205
Dual-purpose cropping – capitalising on potential grain crop grazing to enhance mixed-farming profitability
Bell Lindsay W., Harrison Matthew T., Kirkegaard John A.
Crop and Pasture Science. 2015 66(4). p.i
Regrowth of spring canola (Brassica napus) after defoliation
McCormick Jeffrey I., Virgona Jim M., Kirkegaard John A.
Plant and Soil. 2013 372(1-2). p.655
Using a mathematical framework to examine physiological changes in winter wheat after livestock grazing
Harrison Matthew T., Evans John R., Moore Andrew D.
Field Crops Research. 2012 136 p.116
Prospects for ecological intensification of Australian agriculture
Hochman Z., Carberry P.S., Robertson M.J., Gaydon D.S., Bell L.W., McIntosh P.C.
European Journal of Agronomy. 2013 44 p.109
4R nitrogen management when integrating canola into semi-arid wheat
Pan W.L., Maaz T.M., Madsen I.J., Reese M., Hammac W.A., Wysocki D., Davis J.B., Wingerson M., Brown J.
Crops & Soils. 2017 50(3). p.16
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Drivers of trends in Australian canola productivity and future prospects
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Forage and grain yield of diverse canola (Brassica napus) maturity types in the high-rainfall zone of Australia
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Crop and Pasture Science. 2015 66(4). p.260
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Coston Duncan J, Clark Suzanne J, Breeze Tom D, Field Linda M, Potts Simon G, Cook Samantha M
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Rainfed Farming Systems (2011)
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Evaluating the feasibility of dual-purpose canola in a medium-rainfall zone of south-eastern Australia: a simulation approach
McCormick Jeffrey I., Virgona Jim M., Lilley Julianne M., Kirkegaard John A.
Crop and Pasture Science. 2015 66(4). p.318
Overwintering Camelina and Canola/Rapeseed Show Promise for Improving Integrated Weed Management Approaches in the Upper Midwestern U.S.
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Revitalizing the winter turnip rape crop in the northern latitudes
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Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science. 2011 61(3). p.195
Integrating dual-purpose wheat and canola into high-rainfall livestock systems in south-eastern Australia. 3. An extrapolation to whole-farm grazing potential, productivity and profitability
Bell L. W., Dove H., McDonald S. E., Kirkegaard J. A.
Crop and Pasture Science. 2015 66(4). p.390
Evolution in crop–livestock integration systems that improve farm productivity and environmental performance in Australia
Bell Lindsay W., Moore Andrew D., Kirkegaard John A.
European Journal of Agronomy. 2014 57 p.10
Low nitrogen use efficiency of dual-purpose crops: Causes and cures
Sprague S.J., Lilley J.M., Bullock M.J., Virgona J.M., Kirkegaard J.A., Hunt J.R., Hopwood M.D.A., Faulkner M.G., Angus J.F.
Field Crops Research. 2021 267 p.108129
Grazing winter and spring wheat crops improves the profitability of prime lamb production in mixed farming systems of Western Australia
Hussein E., Thomas D. T., Bell L. W., Blache D.
Animal Production Science. 2017 57(10). p.2082
Innovations in Dryland Agriculture (2016)
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Canola yield, forage accumulation, and nutritive value in dual‐purpose and companion cropping
Holman Johnathon, Assefa Yared, Stamm Michael, Obour Augustine K.
Crop Science. 2021 61(1). p.814
New perspectives on the mineral nutrition of livestock grazing cereal and canola crops
Dove H., Masters D. G., Thompson A. N.
Animal Production Science. 2016 56(8). p.1350
Canola integration into semi-arid wheat cropping systems of the inland Pacific Northwestern USA
Pan W. L., Young F. L., Maaz T. M., Huggins D. R.
Crop and Pasture Science. 2016 67(4). p.253
Optimising grain yield and grazing potential of crops across Australia’s high-rainfall zone: a simulation analysis. 2. Canola
Lilley Julianne M., Bell Lindsay W., Kirkegaard John A.
Crop and Pasture Science. 2015 66(4). p.349
Utilising dual-purpose crops to produce prime lambs: comparison of White Dorper and Merino sheep on crops and pasture
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Independent breakdown events of the Brassica napus Rlm7 resistance gene including via the off‐target impact of a dual‐specificity avirulence interaction
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Molecular Plant Pathology. 2022 23(7). p.997
Trends in grain production and yield gaps in the high-rainfall zone of southern Australia
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Refining crop and livestock management for dual-purpose spring canola (Brassica napus)
Kirkegaard J. A., Sprague S. J., Hamblin P. J., Graham J. M., Lilley J. M.
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Winter Canola: A Potential Dual‐Purpose Crop for the United States Southern Great Plains
Begna S., Angadi S., Stamm M., Mesbah A.
Agronomy Journal. 2017 109(6). p.2508
Cabbage‐centre grub (Hellula hydralis Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae): a new pest challenge to long‐season canola grown for forage and grain in southern Australia
Nash Michael
Austral Entomology. 2022 61(2). p.236
Effects of Planting Date on Winter Canola Growth and Yield in the Southwestern U.S.
H. Begna Sultan, V. Angadi Sangamesh
American Journal of Plant Sciences. 2016 07(01). p.201
Effect of timing and height of defoliation on the grain yield of barley, wheat, oats and canola in Western Australia
Seymour Mark, England Jonathan H., Malik Raj, Rogers David, Sutherland Andrew, Randell Allen
Crop and Pasture Science. 2015 66(4). p.287
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Raeside M. C., Byron J., Cameron F., MacDonald C., Partington D. L., Kearney G. A., Behrendt R.
Animal Production Science. 2020 61(11). p.1129
Blackleg disease of canola in Australia
Van De Wouw A. P., Marcroft S. J., Howlett B. J.
Crop and Pasture Science. 2016 67(4). p.273
Integrated pest management strategies for cabbage stem flea beetle (Psylliodes chrysocephala) in oilseed rape
Ortega‐Ramos Patricia A., Coston Duncan J., Seimandi‐Corda Gaëtan, Mauchline Alice L., Cook Samantha M.
GCB Bioenergy. 2022 14(3). p.267
Utilising dual-purpose crops in an Australian high-rainfall livestock production system to increase meat and wool production. 2. Production from breeding-ewe flocks
McGrath Shawn R., Pinares-Patiño Cesar S., McDonald Scott E., Simpson Richard J., Moore Andrew D.
Animal Production Science. 2021 61(11). p.1074
Forage brassicas have potential for wider use in drier, mixed crop–livestock farming systems across Australia
Bell Lindsay W., Watt Lucinda J., Stutz Rebecca S.
Crop and Pasture Science. 2020 71(10). p.924
Impact of magnesium - sodium supplementation on liveweight gains of young sheep grazing dual-purpose cereal or canola crops
Dove H., Kelman W. M., Kirkegaard J. A., Sprague S. J.
Animal Production Science. 2012 52(11). p.1027
Sense and nonsense in conservation agriculture: Principles, pragmatism and productivity in Australian mixed farming systems
Kirkegaard John A., Conyers Mark K., Hunt James R., Kirkby Clive A., Watt Michelle, Rebetzke Greg J.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2014 187 p.133
Integrating dual-purpose wheat and canola into high-rainfall livestock systems in south-eastern Australia. 1. Crop forage and grain yield
Sprague S. J., Kirkegaard J. A., Dove H., Graham J. M., McDonald S. E., Kelman W. M.
Crop and Pasture Science. 2015 66(4). p.365
Benefits, challenges and opportunities of integrated crop-livestock systems and their potential application in the high rainfall zone of southern Australia: A review
Nie Zhongnan, McLean Terry, Clough Angela, Tocker Jonathon, Christy Brendan, Harris Rob, Riffkin Penny, Clark Steve, McCaskill Malcolm
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2016 235 p.17
Commercial integrated crop-livestock systems achieve comparable crop yields to specialized production systems: A meta-analysis
Peterson Caitlin A., Deiss Leonardo, Gaudin Amélie C. M., Saia Sergio
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Forage and seed yield of winter turnip rape established as a mixed crop with cereals
The Journal of Agricultural Science. 2015 153(2). p.222
Contribution of phase durations to canola (Brassica napus L.) grain yields in the High Rainfall Zone of southern Australia
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Forage canola (Brassica napus): spring-sown winter canola for biennial dual-purpose use in the high-rainfall zone of southern Australia
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Crop and Pasture Science. 2015 66(4). p.275
The role and value of combining dual-purpose crops and lucerne in a mixed-enterprise farming system
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Crop and Pasture Science. 2015 66(4). p.399
Sacrificial grazing of wheat crops: identifying tactics and opportunities in Western Australia's grainbelt using simulation approaches
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Growth, recovery, and yield of dual-purpose canola (Brassica napus) in the medium-rainfall zone of south-eastern Australia
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Crop and Pasture Science. 2012 63(7). p.635
Canola as a potential forage
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Effect of defoliation by livestock on stem canker caused by Leptosphaeria maculans in Brassica napus
Sprague S. J., Graham J. M., Hamblin P. J., Kirkegaard J. A.
Plant Pathology. 2013 62(2). p.346
Physiological response of spring canola (Brassica napus) to defoliation in diverse environments
Kirkegaard J.A., Sprague S.J., Lilley J.M., McCormick J.I., Virgona J.M., Morrison M.J.
Field Crops Research. 2012 125 p.61
Exploiting genotype × management interactions to increase rainfed crop production: a case study from south-eastern Australia
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Integrated crop–livestock systems in Australian agriculture: Trends, drivers and implications
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Using dual-purpose crops in sheep-grazing systems
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Yield performance of late-maturing winter canola (Brassica napus L.) types in the High Rainfall Zone of southern Australia
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Spring-sown winter-type canola (
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Defoliation of Brassica napus increases severity of blackleg caused by Leptosphaeria maculans: implications for dual‐purpose cropping
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Crop and Pasture Science. 2016 67(4). p.381

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