Trauma-informed management of patients with prior sexual trauma in pelvic health physiotherapy clinical practice
Janine Stirling A B * , Zoe Wallace C D , Angela James D E , Rita Shackel F and James Elliott A GA
Pelvic health (PH) physiotherapists treat a range of pelvic floor conditions, with more than 20% of those seeking treatment having a prior history of sexual assault or childhood sexual abuse. This Discussion Paper incorporates an integrated case study of a patient who was sexually assaulted as a teenager and went on to develop Genito-Pelvic Pain Penetration Disorder (GPPPD). The authors collectively share multidisciplinary insights in physiotherapy, psychology, psychotherapy, nursing, law and trauma research to advocate for a tailored evidence-based approach to treating patients with sexual trauma. A trauma-informed perspective creating safety, screening and consent will be offered. Graded exposure techniques to facilitate an adaptive and flexible patient response to cues of safety vs threat will be introduced. Empathic responding, being attentive and attuned to a patient’s trauma triggers could translate to improved patient outcomes. Inadvertently, these same qualities may place PH physiotherapists at risk for vicarious trauma. Harmonising this delicate intersection where clinicians are required to flexibly pivot between containing hyper/hypo arousal for the patient with empathic, attuned responding to ensure a safe treatment milieu, is a specific focus. We invite further collaboration from this review article, serving as a catalyst for developing rigorous clinical practice guidelines for PH physiotherapists to be confident and competent when managing patients presenting with history of sexual trauma.
Keywords: childhood sexual abuse, deep brain reorienting, dyspareunia, Genito-pelvic pain penetration disorder, pelvic health physiotherapy, pelvic pain, post-traumatic stress disorder, rape, sexual assault, sexual trauma, somatic experiencing, tonic immobility, trauma-informed care, vaginismus, vicarious trauma.
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