Australian Journal of Chemistry 69 (11) pp.1199
- 1200
Young Scientists Advancing Green Chemistry
The PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC Partnership in Green Chemistry for Life originated with an agreement signed between UNESCO and the Russian agricultural fertiliser producer ‘PhosAgro’. The program aims at generating and applying new scientific knowledge in green chemistry through the promotion of the activity in this area among young scientists.
Published 06 June 2016
Development of Lignocellulosic Biorefinery Technologies: Recent Advances and Current Challenges
Antonella Amore , Peter N. Ciesielski , Chien-Yuan Lin , Davinia Salvachúa , Violeta Sànchez i Nogué
Australian Journal of Chemistry 69 (11) pp.1201
- 1218
Published 23 March 2016
Practical Isolation of Asperuloside from Coprosma quadrifida via Rapid Pressurised Hot Water Extraction
Bianca J. Deans , Alex C. Bissember , Jason A. Smith
Australian Journal of Chemistry 69 (11) pp.1219
- 1222