Australian Journal of Botany
Volume 57 Number 1 2009
BT08051Phenological trends among Australian alpine species: using herbarium records to identify climate-change indicators
R. V. Gallagher, L. Hughes and M. R. Leishman
pp. 1-9
BT08120Correlates of grass-species composition in a savanna woodland in northern Australia
K. A. Scott, S. A. Setterfield, A. N. Andersen and M. M. Douglas
pp. 10-17
BT08168Pollinators of Eucalyptus regnans (Myrtaceae), the world's tallest flowering plant species
A. Rod Griffin, Andrew B. Hingston and Clifford P. Ohmart
pp. 18-25
BT08179A catch-all leguminous tree: Erythrina velutina visited and pollinated by vertebrates at an oceanic island
Ivan Sazima, Cristina Sazima and Marlies Sazima
pp. 26-30
BT08179 Abstract | BT08179 Full Text | BT08179PDF (1.6 MB) | BT08179Corrigendum (1.6 MB) | BT08179Corrigendum (1.6 MB)
BT08153An experimental study of the pollination biology of the perennial halophyte Frankenia pauciflora var. gunnii (Frankeniaceae) in a South Australian salt marsh
Duncan A. Mackay and Molly A. Whalen
pp. 31-36
BT08067Involvement of nitric oxide in ultraviolet B-induced activation of phenylalanine ammoniumlyase and stimulation of flavonoid biosynthesis in Ginkgo biloba leaves
Gangping Hao, Xihua Du, Renjiu Shi, Jianmei Wang and Lei Feng
pp. 56-64
BT07092Comparative floral ontogeny in Adesmia (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae: Dalbergieae)
Maria Cecília de Chiara Moço and Jorge Ernesto de Araujo Mariath
pp. 65-75
BT08091Phylogenetic relationships among southern South American species of Camptosema, Galactia and Collaea (Diocleinae: Papilionoideae: Leguminosae) on the basis of molecular and morphological data
Silvana M. Sede, Daniela Tosto, Paola Talia, Melissa Luckow, Lidia Poggio and Renée Fortunato
pp. 76-86