Australian Journal of Botany
Volume 55 Number 8 2007
BT06216Roots of Australian alpine plant species contain high levels of stored carbohydrates independent of post-fire regeneration strategy
A. D. Tolsma, S. M. Read and K. G. Tolhurst
pp. 771-779
BT07107Flowering, seed production and seed mass in a species-rich temperate grassland exposed to FACE and warming
Mark J. Hovenden, Karen E. Wills, Jacqueline K. Vander Schoor, Rebecca E. Chaplin, Amity L. Williams, Michaela J. Nolan and Paul C. D. Newton
pp. 780-794
BT04089Responses to light changes in tropical seedlings of the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest tree species Cecropia glazioui (Cecropiaceae) and Cedrela fissilis (Meliaceae)
Maria Terezinha Silveira Paulilo, Sonia Regina Duz, Alexandre Siminski and Marisa Santos
pp. 795-802
BT07054Gynodioecy, sexual dimorphism and erratic fruiting in Corynocarpus laevigatus (Corynocarpaceae)
P. J. Garnock-Jones, R. E. Brockie and R. G. FitzJohn
pp. 803-808
BT06183Genetic variation in the widespread Embothrium coccineum (Proteaceae) endemic to Patagonia: effects of phylogeny and historical events
Cintia P. Souto and Andrea C. Premoli
pp. 809-817
BT07106Restoration treatments enhance early establishment of native forbs in a degraded temperate grassy woodland
Lisa T. Smallbone, Suzanne M. Prober and Ian D. Lunt
pp. 818-830
BT07093Endangered wild populations of endemic Calanthe orchids on an isolated Japanese island tested for viruses
Kiyohisa Kawakami, Shin-ichi Fuji and Kazumitsu Miyoshi
pp. 831-836
BT07105Genetic diversity of the mungbean (Vigna radiata, Leguminosae) genepool on the basis of microsatellite analysis
Chontira Sangiri, Akito Kaga, Norihiko Tomooka, Duncan Vaughan and Peerasak Srinives
pp. 837-847