Extra-stigmatic pollen germination and pistil elongation: a novel strategy towards reproductive assurance in Dodonaea viscosa subsp. angustifolia
Sajid Khan
Handling Editor: Susan Hoebee
Reproductive success in dioecious plant species may be limited by severe pollen limitation owing to their separate sexes and pollination barriers.
Dodonaea viscosa subsp. angustifolia (Jacq.) (Sapindaceae) is a dioecious and wind-pollinated species that has a long flowering period. This study sought to determine the relationship between its reproductive behaviour and pollen availability during different flowering phases.
Extra-stigmatic pollen germination and reproductive performance during different phases of flowering were investigated and correlated with pistil elongation under natural conditions.
The species offers whole stigmatic and stylar surfaces for pollen to land and germinate under natural conditions. During pollen-limiting conditions, the length of the pistil increases significantly to enhance pollen capture. Depending on where on the pistil pollen lands, the timing of pollen tube arrival at the ovary varies.
Dodonaea viscosa subsp. angustifolia is the first reported wild species in the Sapindaceae where pistil elongation is regulated by pollination conditions and extra-stigmatic pollen germination ensures reproduction during phases of differing pollen availability. Our results indicated that the flexibility of female function and reproductive behaviour in Dodonaea viscosa subsp. angustifolia adds to the evolutionary possibilities to overcome pollination constraints.
This unique strategy for increasing female fitness through pollen presentation in D. viscosa subsp. angustifolia could be explored in other subspecies of D. viscosa on the Australian subcontinent.
Keywords: Dodonaea viscosa subsp. Angustifolia, extra stigmatic surface, pistil elongation, pollen germination, pollen limitation, pollen tube, pollination, seed set.
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