Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 41 Number 1 1988
BI9880023Ovulation in the Merino Ewe in the Breeding and Anoestrous Seasons
DT Pearce and CM Oldham
pp. 23-26
BI9880037Control of Fertility and Fecundity of Sheep by Means of Hormonal Manipulation
RJ Scaramuzzi, JA Downing, BK Campbell and Y Cognie
pp. 37-46
BI9880047Potential for Fecundin to Influence the Reproductive Performance of Merino Ewes in Western Australia
KP Croker, RI Cox, MA Johns, TJ Johnson, D Roberts, M Salerian and F Sunderman
pp. 47-56
BI9880057A Radioimmunoassay for Fluorogestone Acetate (FGA) and Its Application to the Measurement of Plasma FGA and Progesterone in Ewes Treated with FGA-impregnated Intravaginal Sponges
Olivia Gaston-Parry, Kim Heasman, J KE Nemorin and TJ Robinson
pp. 57-68
BI9880069Seasonality of Reproduction in Sheep and its Control by Photoperiod
R Ortavant, F Bocquier, J Pelletier, JP Ravault, J Thimonier and P Volland-Nail
pp. 69-86