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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

Ovulation in the Merino Ewe in the Breeding and Anoestrous Seasons

DT Pearce and CM Oldham

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 41(1) 23 - 26
Published: 1988


The pattern of ovulation of Merino ewes was studied by repeated laparoscopy each 14 days in the anoestrous (n = 97) and breeding (n = 87) seasons. In the anoestrous season the proportion of ewes ovulating did not decrease below 11 070, 42% of ewes never ovulated and the remainder fluctuated between the two states. On 20 occasions a clear anovulatory period was interrupted by an isolated spontaneous ovulation. In the breeding season the overall mean proportion of ewes with corpora lutea or albicantia at laparoscopy was 87%, 54% of ewes ovulated regularly throughout while in another 31% absence of corpora lutea or albicantia coincided with the follicular phase of an oestrous cycle as evidenced by an appropriately aged corpora lutea at the next laparoscopy. Of the remaining 15% of the flock 3% had anovulatory periods greater than 14 days while the remainder experienced irregular ovulatory cycles - the majority due to short periods of anovulation but some ewes retained corpora lutea for longer than 14 days while others ovulated twice between successive laparoscopies.

© CSIRO 1988

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