Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 34 Number 4 1981
BI9810395Reactions of I,I-Diacetoxyiodobenzene with Proteins: Conversion of Amide Side-Chains to Amines
Leo A Holt and Brian Milligan
pp. 395-400
BI9810401Enzymes of Galactose Metabolism in Livers of Suckling and Adult Tammar Wallabies (Macro Pus Eugenii) and Other Marsupials
Jennifer K Vernon, MichaeI Messer and Brian Green
pp. 401-410
BI9810411Immunization of Sheep With Larval Antigens of Lucilia cuprina
IJ O'Donnell, PE Green, JA Connell and PS Hopkins
pp. 411-418
BI9810419Measurement of Organ Blood Flow Using Tritiated Water. I. Hind Limb Muscle Blood Flow in Conscious Ewes
VH Oddy, BW Brown and AW Jones
pp. 419-426
BI9810427Iodine Deficiency and Brain Development in the Rat
GH McIntosh, DA Howard, MT Mano, AML Wellby and BS Hetzel
pp. 427-434
BI9810435Progesterone Control of the Initiation of Lactose Synthesis in the Rat
KR Nicholas and PE Hartmann
pp. 435-444
BI9810455The Foetoplacental Unit and the Initiation of Lactation in the Rat
KR Nicholas and PE Hartmann
pp. 455-462
BI9810463Comparison of Glucose Biokinetics in Parturient Ewes and Ewes Induced to Lactate Artificially
CB Gow, GH McDowell and EF Annison
pp. 463-468
BI9810469Control of Gluconeogenesis in the Lactating Sheep
CB Gow, GH McDowell and EF Annison
pp. 469-478
BI9810479Modulation of Functional Capacity of Small Ovarian Follicles in the Post-partum Cow by Prolactin
TJ Weiss, CD Nancarrow, DT Armstrong and JB Donnelly
pp. 479-489