Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 9 Number 3 1956
SI Honda and RN Robertson
pp. 305-320
BI9560355Nucleic Acid Content of Petkus Rye Embryos in Relation to Vernalization and Devernalization
LR Finch and DJ Carr
pp. 355-363
BI9560371Biological Activity of Complex Ions Mechanism of Inhibition of Acetylcholinesterase
Judith H Koch, Eleanora C Gyarfas and FP Dwyer
pp. 371-381
BI9560382The Mutagenic Action of Formaldehyde on Drosophila Melanogaster
JSF Barker and CI Davern
pp. 382-399
BI9560406Regeneration and the Moulting Cycle in Blattella Geiuvianica L. IV. Single and Rbpbatbd Regeneration and Metamorphosis
AF O’farrell, A Stock and J Morgan
pp. 406-422
BI9560423The Pre-Natal Development of Wool Follicles in Merino Sheep
Margaret H Hardy and AG Lyne
pp. 423-441