Animal Production Science
Volume 49 Number 12 2009
EA08223A bromochloromethane formulation reduces enteric methanogenesis in cattle fed grain-based diets
N. W. Tomkins, S. M. Colegate and R. A. Hunter
pp. 1053-1058
EA08113Use of supplements and variation in the stocking rate in cow–calf systems on temperate pastures in Chile: a simulation approach
A. R. Catrileo, P. M. Toro, C. D. Aguilar and R. Vera
pp. 1059-1067
AN09019A technique for sampling blood from cattle during transportation
A. J. Parker, C. J. Coleman and L. A. Fitzpatrick
pp. 1068-1070
AN09054Interannual variation in pasture growth rate in Australian and New Zealand dairy regions and its consequences for system management
D. F. Chapman, B. R. Cullen, I. R. Johnson and D. Beca
pp. 1071-1079
AN09075Heritability of feed intake in grazing Merino ewes and the genetic relationships with production traits
N. M. Fogarty, E. Safari, S. I. Mortimer, J. C. Greeff and S. Hatcher
pp. 1080-1085
AN09064Lambing season and fertility of fat-tailed ewes under an extensive production system are associated with liveweight and body condition around mating
A. K. Esmailizadeh, O. Dayani and M. S. Mokhtari
pp. 1086-1092
AN09057Lack of response to garlic fed at different dose rates for the control of Haemonchus contortus in Merino wether lambs
V. J. Strickland, J. S. Fisher, W. T. Potts and G. W. Hepworth
pp. 1093-1099
AN09032Effects of weaner nutrition on sire and flock rankings: a re-analysis of historical data
B. J. McGuirk
pp. 1100-1104
AN09061Measures of growth and feed efficiency and their relationships with body composition and carcass traits of growing pigs
P. F. Arthur, L. R. Giles, G. J. Eamens, I. M. Barchia and K. J. James
pp. 1105-1112
AN09076Ractopamine supplementation increases lean deposition in entire and immunocastrated male pigs
K. L. Moore, F. R. Dunshea, B. P. Mullan, D. P. Hennessy and D. N. D'Souza
pp. 1113-1119
AN09080Effects of a synthetic gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist, leuprolide, on rut-associated events in male red deer
G. K. Barrell, S. C. T. Schaafsma, M. J. Ridgway, M. Wellby and L. A. Miller
pp. 1120-1124
EA08077Long axis heat distribution in a tunnel-ventilated broiler house equipped with an evaporative pad cooling system
M. Dağtekin, C. Karaca and Y. Yildiz
pp. 1125-1131