Animal Production Science
Volume 49 Number 8 2009
AN09037Behavioural changes at weaning in 6-month-old beef calves reared by cows of high or low milk yield
R. Ungerfeld, G. Quintans, D. H. Enríquez and M. J. Hrötzel
pp. 637-642
EA08274Survival of the rumen bacterium Synergistes jonesii in a herd of Droughtmaster cattle in north Queensland
R. J. Jones, D. B. Coates and B. Palmer
pp. 643-645
AN09028Supplements containing Acacia karroo foliage reduce nematode burdens in Nguni and crossbred cattle
V. Xhomfulana, C. Mapiye, M. Chimonyo and M. C. Marufu
pp. 646-653
EA06142Pasture systems to improve productivity of sheep in south-western Victoria. 1. Growth, composition, nutritive value and persistence of resown pastures
Geoffrey Saul, Gavin Kearney and Dion Borg
pp. 654-667
AN09005Characterisation of the melanocortin-1 receptor gene in alpaca and identification of possible markers associated with phenotypic variations in colour
N. L. Feeley and K. A. Munyard
pp. 675-681
EA07170Pasture–crop rotations for sustainable production in a wheat and sheep-based farming system on a Vertosol in south-west Queensland, Australia
G. A. Thomas, R. C. Dalal, E. J. Weston, K. J. Lehane, A. J. King, D. N. Orange, C. J. Holmes and G. B. Wildermuth
pp. 682-695
EA08164A preliminary survey of zearalenone and other mycotoxins in Australian silage and pasture
K. F. M. Reed and D. D. Moore
pp. 696-703
AN09026Influence of particle size and microbial phytase supplementation on the performance, nutrient utilisation and digestive tract parameters of broiler starters
A. M. Amerah and V. Ravindran
pp. 704-710
EA08290Restructuring of the Australian chicken industry: identification of risk factors for the closure of farms
I. J. East and S. A. Hamilton
pp. 711-716
EA08273_ERErratum to: Genetics of heifer performance in 'wet' and 'dry' seasons and their relationships with steer performance in two tropical beef genotypes
S. A. Barwick, D. J. Johnston, H. M. Burrow, R. G. Holroyd, G. Fordyce, M. L. Wolcott, W. D. Sim and M. T. Sullivan
pp. 727-727
EA08273_ER Abstract Open Access Article