Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture
Volume 47 Number 1 2007
EA05244Needs for applied climate education in agriculture
D. A. George, C. J. Birch, J. F. Clewett, A. Wright, W. Allen and D. U. Keogh
pp. 1-12
EA05361Effective remediation of diazinon from spent sheep dip wash by disposal on land
G. W. Levot
pp. 13-16
EA05338Characteristics of greater lotus (Lotus uliginosus) populations grown under low latitude conditions in eastern Australia
J. F. Ayres, W. M. Kelman, B. E. McCorkell and L. A. Lane
pp. 17-24
EA05221An evaluation of the yield and quality of oat–legume and ryegrass–legume mixtures and legume monocultures harvested at three stages of growth for silage
A. G. Kaiser, B. S. Dear and S. G. Morris
pp. 25-38
EA04273Can increased nutrition raise cereal yields to the rainfall-limited potential in the high rainfall cropping zone of south Western Australia?
N. L. Simpson (née Hill), R. McTaggart, W. K. Anderson and L. Anderton
pp. 39-47
EA05168Increasing plant density improves weed competition in lentil (Lens culinaris)
G. K. McDonald, K. L. Hollaway and L. McMurray
pp. 48-56
EA05141Survey of weed flora and management relative to cropping practices in the north-eastern grain region of Australia
V. A. Osten, S. R. Walker, A. Storrie, M. Widderick, P. Moylan, G. R. Robinson and K. Galea
pp. 57-70
EA05233Timing irrigation to suit citrus phenology: a means of reducing water use without compromising fruit yield and quality?
R. J. Hutton, J. J. Landsberg and B. G. Sutton
pp. 71-80
EA05319Mycorrhizal colonisation of three hybrid papayas (Carica papaya) under mulched and bare ground conditions
K. B. Walsh and S. Ragupathy
pp. 81-85
EA05157Development and use of a variable-speed lateral boom irrigation system to define water requirements of 11 turfgrass genotypes under field conditions
D. C. Short and T. D. Colmer
pp. 86-95
EA05149Potential involvement of flavonoids in the rooting response of chestnut hybrid (Castanea crenata × Castanea sativa) clones
G. Osterc, M. Štefančič, A. Solar and F. Štampar
pp. 96-102
EA05236Essential oil vapours control some common postharvest fungal pathogens
M. Szczerbanik, J. Jobling, S. Morris and P. Holford
pp. 103-109
EA04029Grasslands Trophy — a new white clover (Trifolium repens L.) cultivar with tolerance of summer moisture stress
J. F. Ayres, J. R. Caradus, R. D. Murison, L. A. Lane and D. R. Woodfield
pp. 110-115
EA05351Lotus uliginosus (greater lotus) breeding line LUX97: a high seed producing, low condensed tannin population
W. M. Kelman, M. J. Blumenthal, J. W. O'Connor and P. A. Borchard
pp. 116-118