Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Volume 12 Number 56 1972
EA9720234 Crossbreeding for lamb production. 1. Survival and growth of first cross lambs
NM Fogarty
pp. 234-239
EA9720240The performance of young sheep grazing pastures sown to combinations of lucerne or subterranean clover with ryegrass or phalaris
KFM Reed, RW Snaydon and A Axelsen
pp. 240-246
EA9720247Sheep production on the north coast of New South Wales. 1. Effect of anthelmintics and grazing management on production and helminthosis of Merino wethers
RDH Cohen, RD Eastoe, IK Hotson and MG Smeal
pp. 247-251
EA9720255Effect of dietary energy, tallow and B-vitamin levels on laying performance of broiler-breeders
H Karunajeewa
pp. 255-261
EA9720281Fertility studies of pasture soils in the wet tropical coast of Queensland. 4. Soils derived from metamorphic rocks
JK Teitzel and RC Bruce
pp. 281-287
EA9720293A field study of rugose leaf curl virus infection in stoloniferous Trifolium species
NE Grylls, JC Galletly and RC Campbell
pp. 293-298
EA9720299The effect of surface treatments on soil water storage and yield of wheat
JE Schultz
pp. 299-305
EA9720310Effects of liming on soil pH and manganese toxicity in a Goulburn valley pear orchard
A Selimi and RR Nickelson
pp. 310-314
EA9720323Maturity and acceptability of early-picked Granny Smith apples for export
BB Beattie, BL Wild and GG Coote
pp. 323-327
EA9720331Suppression of tobacco yellow dwarf with systemic organophosphorus insecticides
RG Paddick, FL French and JW Meagher
pp. 331-334