Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Volume 18 Number 90 1978
EA9780012 Milk yields of cows fed maize and molasses supplements to tropical pastures at two stocking rates
RT Cowan and TM Davison
pp. 12-15
EA9780016The preservation of a Nandi Setaria silage and its feeding value for dairy cows
RI Hamilton, VR Catchpole, LJ Lambourne and JD Korr
pp. 16-24
EA9780041Effect of stocking rate, fodder conservation and grazing management on the performance of wether sheep and pastures in south-west Victoria. 2. Seasonal wool growth rate, liveweight and herbage availability
HA Birrell, AH Bishop, A Tew and RD Plowright
pp. 41-51
EA9780052 Effects on wool production during pregnancy and lactation of twice daily abomasal supplementation with casein or methionine and cystine
AJ Williams, RN Tyrrell and AR Gilmour
pp. 52-57
EA9780063Genetic improvement of meat sheep. 5. Heritability of post-weaning weight and gain in Dorset and Border Leicester sheep
IP Gregory, EM Roberts and JW James
pp. 63-69
EA9780075The flowering of annual legume pasture species and cultivars in Western Australia
AC Devitt, BJ Quinlivan and CM Francis
pp. 75-80
EA9780089The contamination of pasture by a lead smelter in a semi-arid environment
RH Merry and KG Tiller
pp. 89-96
EA9780107Yield, oil and protein content of oilseed rape as affected by soil and fertilizer nitrogen and phosphorus
GJ Osborne and GD Batten
pp. 107-111
EA9780112Effect of grazed lucerne on the moisture status of wheat-growing soils
ICR Holford and AD Doyle
pp. 112-117
EA9780118Nitrogen needs of wheat. 2. Grain yield response to nitrogenous fertilizer
AC Taylor, RR Storrier and AR Gilmour
pp. 118-128
EA9780129Environmental causes of yield variation in raingrown sunflower in Central Queensland
PJ Goyne, DR Woodruff and JD Churchett
pp. 129-134
EA9780143The effect of sludges from two Adelaide sewage treatment plants on the growth of and heavy metal concentrations in lettuce
Vries MPC de and KG Tiller
pp. 143-147