![Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture](/covers/EA_generic.jpg)
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture
Volume 34 Number 4 1994
EA9940439 Thyroid hormone concentrations in the plasma of fed and fasted Brahman and Hereford steers
JC O'Kelly and WG Spiers
pp. 439-442
EA9940443Production and heart rate responses of chickens beak-trimmed at hatch or at 10 or 42 days of age
PC Glatz and CA Lunam
pp. 443-447
EA9940459 Establishment and early growth after rice of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum), Persian clover (T. resupinatum), balansa clover (T. michelianum), and white clover (T. repens)
MAE Lattimore, HG Beecher and KL O'Callaghan
pp. 459-467
EA9940469 Critical potassium concentrations in Trifolium balansae, Medicago murex and Trifolium subterraneum as affected by sampling date
A Pinkerton and PJ Randall
pp. 469-477
EA9940479 Effects of glyphosate, flupropanate and 2,2-DPA on Hyparrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf (Coolatai grass)
GM Lodge, MG McMillan, LH McCormick and AS Cook
pp. 479-485
EA9940487Effect of inter-row spacing on the production of tagasaste and associated pastures
AA McGowan and GL Mathews
pp. 487-490
EA9940491Optimum plant population densities for lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) in the wheatbelt of Western Australia
RJ French, K McCarthy and WL Smart
pp. 491-497
EA9940499Effects of the herbicide metsulfuron-methyl on root length, nutrient levels, grain protein, and yield of barley
RN Pederson, ID Black, CB Dyson and RJ Hannam
pp. 499-504
EA9940505Effect of form and rate of pig manure on the growth, nutrient uptake, and yield of barley (cv. Galleon)
J Brechin and GK McDonald
pp. 505-510
EA9940511Characterisation of Australian almond cultivars and comparison with Californian cultivars by isozyme polymorphism
A Vezvaei, GR Clarke and JF Jackson
pp. 511-514
EA9940515The effect of cold disinfestation treatment on the quality of Washington navel oranges in Sunraysia
M Edwards, S Predebon, M Dale and G Buchanan
pp. 515-519
EA9940521 Field evaluation of five clones of tissue-cultured bananas in northern NSW
GG Johns
pp. 521-528
EA9940529 Effects of hydroponic solution composition, electrical conductivity and plant spacing on yield and quality of strawberries
RA Sarooshi and GC Cresswell
pp. 529-535
EA9940537Validation of 'Downcast' in the prediction of sporulation-infection periods of Peronospora destructor in the Lockyer Valley.
Gerald SM Fitz and RG O'Brien
pp. 537-539
EA9940541 Effect of inoculating fungi into compost on growth of tomato and compost microflora.
A Sivapalan and WC Franz PR Morgan
pp. 541-548
EA9940549Constraints to the adoption of innovations in agricultural research and environmental management: a review
LJ Guerin and TF Guerin
pp. 549-571
EA9940577Hordum vulgare (barley) cv. Morrell.
PA Portmann, RF Gilmour, AW Tarr and GA Brown
pp. 577-577