Association of a non-synonymous variant of MLH3 gene involved in meiotic recombination with conception rate of Japanese Black cattle
Thu Nu Anh Le
Conception rate, which is an important parameter to evaluate female fertility, has been gradually decreasing in Japanese Black cattle during the past decades. Meiosis is an essential biological process in gamete formation and meiotic failure could be a cause of infertility or reduced fertility in mammals. Of note, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the MLH3 gene involved in meiotic recombination were reported to affect the genome-wide recombination rate of meiosis in cattle.
The present study was conducted to investigate the association of SNPs in the MLH3 gene with conception rate in Japanese Black cattle.
On the basis of the reproductive data of 2045 Japanese Black cattle born from 1990 to 2009, we selected two groups of the reproductive females with high conception rate (n = 103) and low conception rate (n = 109). Then, we genotyped the SNPs in MLH3 gene in both reproductive groups by sequencing and polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR–RFLP). The significant association of SNPs with conception rate in Japanese Black cattle was estimated by Fisher’s exact test, by using R commander.
We found the presence of five SNPs of MLH3 gene in Japanese Black cattle, including non-synonymous variants of MLH3 N408S that has been reported to be involved in meiotic recombination rate and MLH3 S591G newly identified in the present study. Comparison of genotype distributions and allele frequencies of the MLH3 N408S between high and low conception-rate groups indicated a significant difference between these groups, suggesting that this SNP is associated with conception rate. However, there is no significant difference between MLH3 S591G with conception rate in Japanese Black cattle.
We found a significant association between a non-synonymous variant of MLH3 N408S and conception rate, suggesting that this SNP can be a potential marker for selecting the Japanese Black cattle for improving fertility. We also identified a novel non-synonymous variant of MLH3 S591G in Japanese Black cattle.
These findings will be informative for future marker-assisted selection to improve the fertility of Japanese Black cattle. This is the first report of a genetic variant implicated in meiotic recombination being linked to female fertility in cattle.
Keywords: conception rate, crossover, female fertility, Japanese Black cattle, meiosis-specific genes, meiotic recombination rate, MLH3, SNPs.
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