The use of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa) on farm animal’s productivity, health and reproductive performance: a review
H. T. H. Muedi A , T. C. Kujoana

Global food insecurity is mostly the result of human-animal competition for food, as well as recent population growth, erratic weather patterns and environmental shocks. Therefore, maximising the production of animal proteins can reduce the competition between demand and consumption. Hence, the current review aimed at outlining the use of hemp on the production, health and reproductive performances of farm animals. The data used in this review were accessed using Google Scholar, Science Direct, ResearchGate and the directory of open-access journals. It was found that industrial hemp, particularly its derivatives such as hemp-seed meal and oil, has gained attention for its potential benefits in animal nutrition and health. The impact of hemp on farm animals, their productivity, health and reproductive performance, is an area of ongoing research. Our findings on the assessment of the nutritional benefits of hemp to livestock have shown hemp to be a great nutritional source to livestock because, hemp-seed cake, a byproduct of hemp oil extraction, is rich in essential and non-essential amino acids, fibre, and healthy fats, including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. When incorporated into animal feed, it can contribute to a balanced diet, potentially improving overall health and productivity. Furthermore, the health benefits may be due to the fatty acid profile in hemp that is known to have positive effects on animal reproduction (optimal fertility and gestation) and health, including anti-inflammatory properties, which could benefit conditions related to inflammation. Additionally, hemp contains compounds such as cannabinoids and terpenes that might offer therapeutic effects, although the effects of these compounds in animals are still being studied. In conclusion, there is limited direct research on hemp’s effect on reproductive performance in farm animals. Hence, more research is necessitated.
Keywords: animal nutrition, animal reproduction, cannabinoids, health benefits, hempseed meal, industrial hemp, nutritional benefits, reproductive performance.
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