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C. S. Pinares-Patiño A B and H. Clark A
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A Land, Climate & Environment Section, AgResearch Limited, Grasslands Research Centre, Tennent Drive, Private Bag 11008, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

B Corresponding author.

Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 48(2) 223-229
Submitted: 24 August 2007  Accepted: 11 October 2007   Published: 2 January 2008

46 articles found in Crossref database.

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Symposium review: Uncertainties in enteric methane inventories, measurement techniques, and prediction models
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Livestock methane emission and its perspective in the global methane cycle
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Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2008 48(2). p.114
Production of Methane Emissions from Ruminant Husbandry: A Review
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Greenhouse gas balance and carbon footprint of pasture-based beef cattle production systems in the tropical region (Atlantic Forest biome)
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Animal. 2020 14 p.s427
Assessment of the sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) tracer technique using respiration chambers for estimation of methane emissions from sheep
Pinares-Patiño C.S., Lassey K.R., Martin R.J., Molano G., Fernandez M., MacLean S., Sandoval E., Luo D., Clark H.
Animal Feed Science and Technology. 2011 166-167 p.201
Intra-ruminal gas-sensing in real time: a proof-of-concept
Bishop-Hurley Gregory J., Paull David, Valencia Philip, Overs Leslie, Kalantar-zadeh Kourosh, Wright André-Denis G., McSweeney Chris
Animal Production Science. 2016 56(3). p.204
Pasture intensification in beef cattle production can affect methane emission intensity
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Animal Feed Science and Technology. 2015 203 p.41
Dynamics of the ruminal microbial ecosystem, and inhibition of methanogenesis and propiogenesis in response to nitrate feeding to Holstein calves
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Methane emissions from beef cattle grazing on semi-natural upland and improved lowland grasslands
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Greenhouse gas balance and mitigation of pasture-based dairy production systems in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest Biome
Oliveira Patrícia Perondi Anchão, Berndt Alexandre, Pedroso André de Faria, Alves Teresa Cristina, Lemes Amanda Prudêncio, Oliveira Bia Anchão, Pezzopane José Ricardo Macedo, Rodrigues Paulo Henrique Mazza
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The "Lung": a software-controlled air accumulator for quasi-continuous multi-point measurement of agricultural greenhouse gases
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Enteric methane emission rates determined by the SF6 tracer technique: Temporal patterns and averaging periods
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Comparison of a laser methane detector with the GreenFeed and two breath analysers for on-farm measurements of methane emissions from dairy cows
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Methane emissions from sheep fed fresh pasture
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Methane emission factors for beef cows in Argentina: effect of diet quality
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Extending the Collection Duration of Breath Samples for Enteric Methane Emission Estimation Using the SF6 Tracer Technique
Pinares-Patiño César, Gere José, Williams Karen, Gratton Roberto, Juliarena Paula, Molano German, MacLean Sarah, Sandoval Edgar, Taylor Grant, Koolaard John
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Methods for measuring gas emissions from naturally ventilated livestock buildings: Developments over the last decade and perspectives for improvement
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