Longissimus from Berkshire pigs in a small-scale supply chain have increased oxidative metabolism, tenderness and water-holding capacity, compared with Large White × Landrace pigs in a modern commercial supply chain
Michelle Nicole LeMaster A , Darryl Nicholas D’Souza B , Robert John Edward Hewitt

E Present address:
Selection for leanness in the modern Australian pig has resulted in inconsistent quality, including a lack of pork tenderisation during ageing. Inconsistent quality is potentially a result of differences in supply chain and breed as well as the variation in muscle fibre-type proportion in pork longissimus.
The aim was to investigate differences in fibre-type proportion and pork quality between Large White-Landrace pigs in a large supply chain and Berkshire pigs processed in a small supply chain.
Pigs (n = 22) from two suppliers with different breeds (Supplier 1, Large White × Landrace, SC1-LWLR, n = 12, modern commercial pigs; Supplier 2, Berkshire, SC2-Berk, n = 10, heritage pigs) were slaughtered and samples from the longissimus were extracted at 3, 24, and 48 h postmortem for enzyme and pH analyses. Longissimus samples were subjected to ageing for either 2 or 16 days postmortem (Day 2, Day 16), assessed for colour, muscle fibre-type proportion (%), muscle fibre diameter (μm), water-holding capacity (purge, % and cook loss, %), Warner–Bratzler peak shear force (WBSF, N), and protein denaturation temperature using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC, peak temperature, °C).
SC1-LWLR had higher purge than SC2-Berk (2.85% and 1.83% respectively; standard error of the difference (SED) = 0.33; P = 0.003), higher cook loss on Day 16 (24.63% and 16.79% respectively; SED = 1.62; P = 0.017) and higher WBSF on Day 2 and Day 16 (Day 2, 30.9 N and 26.7 N respectively; Day 16, 28.6 N and 22.0 N respectively; SED = 0.98, interaction P = 0.003). SC1-LWLR had a lower proportion of Type I (10.1% vs 16.0%; SED = 0.51) and Type IIA (14.0% vs 22.0%; SED = 0.77) and a higher proportion of Type IIB (75.9% vs 62.0%; SED = 0.74) (P < 0.001 for all) fibres. SC1-LWLR had lower DSC temperatures for two peaks. SC2-Berk had higher citrate synthase activity (P = 0.003) and glycolytic potential (P < 0.001) than SC1-LWLR.
SC2-Berk longissimus had improved quality compared with SC1-LWLR pork, most likely owing, in part, to higher proportion of oxidative and intermediate fibres in the Berkshires. However, effects of differences in environmental conditions and/or processing conditions cannot be ruled out.
The experiment increased our understanding of how variation in supply chains and muscle fibre-type proportion can impact the production of consistently high-quality pork.
Keywords: Berkshire, breed, cook loss, Large White × Landrace, muscle fibre type, oxidative capacity, pork, protein denaturation, supply chain, WBSF.
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