Impact of feeding volumes on performance and bone characteristics of Embrapa 051 laying hens housed in a cage-free system
Juliana Forgiarini A , Everton Luis Krabbe B * , Débora Aline Alves A , Valdir Silveira de Ávila B , Suelen Nunes da Silva
A Department of Animal Sciences, Federal University of Pelotas, Campus Universitário, S/N, Capão do Leão, RS 96160-000, Brazil.
B EMBRAPA Swine and Poultry, BR 153, km 110, Concórdia, SC 89715-899, Brazil.
Animal Production Science 62(9) 880-890
Submitted: 27 June 2020 Accepted: 21 February 2022 Published: 29 March 2022
© 2022 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing
Context: Few studies have been conducted with the Brazilian Embrapa 051 hens to improve the feed conversion rate and control skeletal health in this breed.
Aims: To determine how different feeding volumes affect the laying rate and bone quality of the Embrapa 051 (E051) strain in comparison with Lohmann Brown (LB).
Methods: In total, 600 E051 and 200 LB hens were subjected to the following treatments: (1) control (LB fed 100% of their dietary requirements), (2) E051 fed 93% of the control diet, (3) E051 fed 100% of the control diet, and (4) E051 fed 107% of the control diet.
Key results: Throughout the 37–72 weeks of age, LB hens presented a higher egg production rate than E051 hens (P < 0.05). The bodyweight and egg production rate were lower in E051 when hens received 93% of the E051 control diet. The E051 hens achieved higher values for tibia weight and length and Seedor index than did LB hens (P < 0.05). At Week 40, the E051 hens fed 93% of the control diet presented a greater tibia weight (12.6 vs 11.5 g), length (124.5 vs 118.9 mm) and strength (21.9 vs 15.5 kgf), Seedor index (101.7 vs 96.13), and ash (33.0 vs 29.6%), calcium (11.1 vs 9.8%) and phosphorus (4.9 vs 4.5%) concentrations than did LB hens. However, at 73 weeks of age, the only differences observed in favour of E051 hens fed 93% of the control diet were for tibia weight, tibia length and tibia strength in comparison with LB hens (P < 0.05).
Conclusions: LB hens showed a higher performance, but lower bone quality than did E051 hens. E051 receiving 7% less feed showed a reduced laying rate but, in contrast, better bone quality. This study showed that the best feeding strategy for Embrapa 051 hens was to use the same feeding volume as recommended for Lohmann Brown hens.
Implications: Despite E051 hens showing a lower laying rate than that of LB hens, especially when receiving a restricted amount of feed, E051 is an accessible alternative breed with excellent bone quality for free-range systems in Brazil.
Keywords: bone quality, evaluation, feed supplementation, free range, genetic adaptation, grasses, laying hens, production gains.
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