Australian Mammalogy
Volume 3 Number 2 1980
AM80010Vegetation and small mammals of a Victorian forest.
P. K. Gullan and A. C. Robinson
pp. 87-95
AM80011The Honey Possum, Tarsipes spencerae (Marsupialia: Tarsipedidae): A non-seasonal breeder?
G. Scarlett and P. A. Woolley
pp. 97-103
AM80012Quantitative aspects of brain morphology in Macroderma gigas (Megadermatidae, Chiroptera).
P. Pirlot and J. Nelson
pp. 105-108
AM80013Pseudomys pilligaensis, a new species of murid rodent from the Pilliga Scrub, northern New South Wales
B. J. Fox and D. A. Briscoe
pp. 109-126
AM80014Discovery of ningauis (Ningaui sp: Dasyuridae: Marsupialia) in the Northern Territory, Australia.
K. A. Johnson and A. D. Roff
pp. 127-129