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Australian Mammalogy Australian Mammalogy Society
Journal of the Australian Mammal Society

Pelage coloration of breeding crabeater seals Lobodon carcinophaga (Carnivora: Phocidae).

P. D. Shaughnessy, R. T. Jones and P. Ensor

Australian Mammology 28(1) 93 - 95
Published: 2006


Pelage colouration of the crabeater seal (Lobodon carcinophaga) which occupies the Antarctic pack-ice zone were studied during on breeding sites in the spring (October- November) of 1985 and and 1987. Colour categories for the dorsum and venter graded from silve-white through silver-gery to dark grey and dark brown. Aerial observation over Enderby Land indicated that the males were usually paler than the females. Females, but not males, were commonly dappled on the trunk.

© Australian Mammal Society 2006

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