Helium in the Australian liquefied natural gas economy
Christopher J. Boreham A D , Dianne S. Edwards A , Robert J. Poreda B , Thomas H. Darrah C , Ron Zhu A , Emmanuelle Grosjean A , Philip Main A , Kathryn Waltenberg A and Paul A. Henson AA Geoscience Australia, GPO Box 378, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia.
B University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627, USA.
C Smart Gas Sciences, HCR 67, Box 3, Wilburton, PA 17888, USA.
D Corresponding author. Email: chris.boreham@ga.gov.au
The APPEA Journal 58(1) 209-237 https://doi.org/10.1071/AJ17049
Submitted: 15 December 2017 Accepted: 15 February 2018 Published: 28 May 2018
Journal compilation © APPEA 2018 Open Access CC BY-NC-ND
Australia is about to become the premier global exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG), bringing increased opportunities for helium extraction. Processing of natural gas to LNG necessitates the exclusion and disposal of non-hydrocarbon components, principally carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Minor to trace hydrogen, helium and higher noble gases in the LNG feed-in gas become concentrated with nitrogen in the non-condensable LNG tail gas. Helium is commercially extracted worldwide from this LNG tail gas. Australia has one helium plant in Darwin where gas (containing 0.1% He) from the Bayu-Undan accumulation in the Bonaparte Basin is processed for LNG and the tail gas, enriched in helium (3%), is the feedstock for helium extraction. With current and proposed LNG facilities across Australia, it is timely to determine whether the development of other accumulations offers similar potential. Geoscience Australia has obtained helium contents in ~800 Australian natural gases covering all hydrocarbon-producing sedimentary basins. Additionally, the origin of helium has been investigated using the integration of helium, neon and argon isotopes, as well as the stable carbon (13C/12C) isotopes of carbon dioxide and hydrocarbon gases and isotopes (15N/14N) of nitrogen. With no apparent loss of helium and nitrogen throughout the LNG industrial process, together with the estimated remaining resources of gas accumulations, a helium volumetric seriatim results in the Greater Sunrise (Bonaparte Basin) > Ichthys (Browse Basin) > Goodwyn–North Rankin (Northern Carnarvon Basin) accumulations having considerably more untapped economic value in helium extraction than the commercial Bayu-Undan LNG development.
Keywords: Australia, argon, carbon dioxide, helium, LNG, neon, nitrogen, noble gas, remaining hydrocarbon resources, stable isotopes.
![]() Chris Boreham obtained his PhD in Chemistry at the Australian Nation University and has worked at GA for over three decades. He is an internationally recognised petroleum geochemist with experience ranging from the application of organic geochemistry to the evolution of oil and gas in sedimentary basins. More recently he has extended these geochemical studies to unconventional petroleum (coal seam methane, shale gas and oil). He also leads key aspects of the CO2CRC’s studies on the injection of CO2 into a depleted natural gas field and a saline aquifer. |
![]() Dianne Edwards is a senior petroleum geochemist in GA’s Resources Division, Energy Systems Branch. Her scientific focus is on defining the petroleum systems of Australia’s petroliferous basins including both conventional and unconventional play types. Dianne received her BSc (Hons) degree in Geology and MSc in Organic Petrology and Organic Geochemistry from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (UK). She was awarded her PhD from the University of Adelaide in 1996. Dianne is a member of PESA. |
![]() Robert Poreda received his PhD from the University of San Diego in 1983 and is a professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Rochester (Rochester, New York). He completed his PhD from Scripps Institute of Oceanography in 1983. His current research interests include applying noble gas and gas isotope geochemistry to research on fluid migration within the crust of the Earth, water masses and atmosphere. |
![]() Tom Darrah obtained his PhD in Geochemistry at the University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, USA. He currently works as an Associate Professor at The Ohio State University, the Director of the Ohio State University Noble Gas Laboratory and Co-Director of the Ohio State University Subsurface Energy Research Center. He is an internationally recognised petroleum geochemist with experience in the application of noble gas and stable isotopes geochemistry to fluid transport in sedimentary basins. He has recently developed noble gas applications to understand unconventional petroleum systems (shale gas, coalbed methane, helium resources, CO2 resources), the environmental impacts of unconventional energy development (stray gas migration), and enhanced oil recovery. |
![]() Ron (Zhong Rong) Zhu (BSc, MSc, PhD), is a petroleum geologist with the Resources Division of GA. After he received his PhD from the Australian National University in 1990, he worked in the School of Applied Geology and Western Australian School of Mines at Curtin University, as well as in several private resources companies in Perth. Dr Zhu joined GA in 2002. His present work focuses on managing Australia’s petroleum resource information and providing technical advice to the Federal Government on petroleum resource issues. |
![]() Emmanuelle Grosjean received her PhD in organic geochemistry from the University of Strasbourg (France) in 2002 and subsequently spent three post-doctoral years at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology working on the Precambrian petroleum systems of the South Oman Salt Basin. Emmanuelle joined GA in 2005 to work on the detection of natural hydrocarbon seepage in Australia. She has since been involved in several studies focussed on the petroleum prospectivity of Australia’s sedimentary basins. |
![]() Philip Main is a geochemist and has been working in the Mineral System Branch at GA since 2014. He currently is working on surface geochemistry of regional areas using low-density sampling. Philip has a BSc (Hons) from the University of Queensland. |
![]() Kathryn Waltenberg is a geochronologist and isotope geoscientist at GA. Kathryn has a PhD in geochronology from the University of Queensland and is a member of the Geological Society of Australia. |
![]() Paul A. Henson graduated from the University of Tasmania and is currently managing the Onshore Energy Systems Section at GA. He has extensive experience in the minerals sector working on mineral systems in Proterozoic and Archaean terranes. Since 2010 he has led the Australian Governments’ onshore carbon storage program, undertaking deep onshore drilling and seismic acquisition programs in collaboration with the states and industry. In addition, he now manages the Exploring for the Future - Energy Program, leading a team of researchers to acquire new pre-competitive geoscientific data to improve our understanding of the hydrocarbon potential of Australian onshore basins. |
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