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The APPEA Journal The APPEA Journal Society
Journal of Australian Energy Producers


S. Morton

The APPEA Journal 40(1) 581 - 586
Published: 2000


Alliances. Partnerships. Joint ventures. Interdepartmental initiatives. Co-ops. Cross cultural projects. Call them what you will, a new wave of networked endeavours has swept through today's business environment, with companies and organisations collaborating now as never before. This collaboration occurs not only between non-competitive, similar business entities and legally-bound business associates, but between competitors and corporate 'odd couples' as well.

Whether matters concern an alliance between companies of differing industries, a partnership with former competitors, or a quantum leap in internal collaboration, alliances can yield remarkable, measurable, profitable and heretofore impossible performance results. Success, however, calls for new ways of thinking and working. The environment within an organisation must foster openness, a willingness to develop new behaviours, set new precedents, create new possibilities and break new ground.

In many cases, however, the preconceived notions of the alliance members about what is required for a sound alliance keep the venture from realising its hoped-for success. To build a successful alliance and sustain it through difficulties, challenges and conflict, the preconceived notions and common misconceptions surrounding alliances must be explored and alternative views generated.

© CSIRO 2000

Committee on Publication Ethics

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